Instruction Support
Kuka Instruction Support
This table summarizes the level of support for each Kuka instruction by the DELMIA Kuka translator and DELMIA simulation.
Kuka KRC Instruction | Level of Support | DELMIA Instruction | Comments |
Motion Instructions | |||
PTP | Supported | Robot Motion | Joint, linear and circular move instructions |
LIN | |||
CIRC | |||
Spot Instructions | |||
EG_SPOT | Supported | Spot Operation | Needs the entire servo spot Fold. When CMD=#SPOT, it is a spot weld instruction; when CMD=#TIP_DRESSING, it is a tip dressing instruction. |
Arc Instructions | |||
A20 | Supported | Arc Operation | Needs the entire ARC Tech 20 Fold. Supports ARC ON, ARC OFF, and ARC Switch instructions. |
Logic Instructions | |||
GOTO Marker | Support | Goto | Marker is an identifier followed by a colon(":"). |
Marker: (GOTO destination) | Supported | Label on another instruction | The label is set on the DELMIA instruction which follows it. |
IF Execution_Condition THEN Statements <ELSE Statements> ENDIF | Support | Condition | |
FOR Counter = Start TO End <STEP Increment > Statements ENDFOR | Supported | For | |
WHILE Repetition_Condition Statements ENDWHILE | Supported | Do While, While do | |
SWITCH … CASE … ENDSWITCH | Supported | Test | |
RETURN < Function_Value > | Supported | Return | For functions, a value is returned. For subprograms, no values are returned. |
EXIT | Supported | Break | Unconditional exit from loops. |
Subprogram(Arguments) | Partial Support | Run (procedure) | Arguments are supported. KRL is limited in the expression support for arguments. If a subprogram is called again with different number of arguments, it is uploaded as Custom instruction. |
H50 | Supported | Grab/Release | Needs the entire Gripper Tech Fold. |
Assignment | Supported | Assign | KRL is limited in the expression supported for assignment. The DELMIA expression must conform to the KRL expression format. |
WAIT FOR Continue_Condition WAIT SEC Wait_Time | Partial Support | Wait | KRL is limited in the expression supported for waiting. The DELMIA expression must conform to the KRL expression format. |
Any unsupported instruction | Supported | Custom | |
IO Instructions | |||
$OUT[ IO ] | Support | Assign | Type Boolean |
PULSE($OUT[1],TRUE,0.5) | Support | Pulse | |
Other Instructions | |||
;comments | Supported | Custom | Comments have no impact on the program execution. |
Inline Comment | Partial Support | Set to instruction text | Inline Comment is text on an instruction line from ";" to end of line. It is appended to the end of the instruction text. Inline Comments of instructions which are uploaded to a 3DEXPERIENCE instructions are kept and will be downloaded as Inline Comments. For example, there are several assignment instructions in a Motion Fold, only the Inline Comment on the Move instruction (PTP, LIN etc.) are kept. |
DELMIA Instruction Support
The following table summarizes the level of support for each DELMIA instruction by the KUKA translator.
DELMIA Instruction | Level of Support | KUKA KRL Instructions | Comments |
Goto | Supported | GOTO Marker Marker: | Marker is an identifier followed by a colon(":"). See Custom instruction for detail. |
Condition | Supported | IF Execution_Condition THEN Statements <ELSE Statements> ENDIF | |
For | Supported | FOR Counter = Start TO End <STEP Increment > Statements ENDFOR | |
Do While, While do | Supported | WHILE Repetition_Condition Statements ENDWHILE | |
Test | Supported | SWITCH … CASE … ENDSWITCH | |
Return | Supported | RETURN < Function_Value > | For functions, a value is returned. For subprograms, no values is returned. |
Break | Supported | EXIT | Unconditional exit from loops. |
Run (service) | Not Supported | NA | Service calls run procedures from other resources, this is not possible with KRL. |
Run (procedure) | Partial Support | Subprogram(Arguments) | Arguments are supported. KRL is limited in the expression support for arguments. |
Procedure | Supported | SRC and DAT files | Each procedure is a pair of SRC and DAT files. |
Custom | Supported | Custom instructions are downloaded "as-is" and are assumed to be valid Kuka instructions. | If the field "Goto Label" is set (non-blank), it is downloaded as the Marker(label) for Goto statements. |
Grab/Release | Supported | Gripper tech fold | Depending on positioning, subprogram H50 is called either directly or from a TRIGGER statement. |
Assign | Supported | Assignment | KRL is limited in the expression supported for assignment. The DELMIA expression must conform to the KRL expression format. |
Pulse | Partial Support | PULSE | |
Wait | Partial Support | WAIT FOR Continue_Condition WAIT SEC Wait_Time | KRL is limited in the expression supported for waiting. The DELMIA expression must conform to the KRL expression format. |
Robot Motion | Supported | PTP|LIN|CIRC XP1 <C_PTP < Approximate_Positioning >> | |
Spot Operation | Supported | EG_SPOT(Spot tech) | |
Arc Operation | Supported | A20(Arc tech) | |
Seam Search Operation | Not Supported | N/A | KRL has no Seam search operations. |
Each of the above instructions is translated as described below.
- Task
Kuka robot programs are comprised of a .SRC file and a .DAT file. An SRC file may contain multiple routines; the first routine name is the same as the file name. Since different SRC files may contain routines of the same name (such as short utility routines), routines in an SRC file are uploaded as Tasks with the naming format “RoutineName#SRCFileName”, to identify the program files the routines should be downloaded into.
To make round-load as close as possible, during download, you may select Template to a folder that contains the original program files uploaded. The Attributes (lines beginning with ‘&’ at the start of program files) and header section (lines from “;FOLD INI” through “;ENDFOLD”) are taken from the original program files. (If Kuka SRC and DAT program files exist in the Template folder, these supersede the Kuka Controller Parameter “TemplateFile” setting.) The SRC program file may contain short utility routines that do not need modification. If these subroutines are not selected for download, they are taken from the original program files and appended to the download file.
- Unsupported Instructions
- Any instruction that is not supported on download is ignored, and a warning is displayed.
- Goto
A DELMIA Goto instruction is translated into a GOTO Marker. In DELMIA, there must be an instruction with an identical "Goto Label" set on it.
Upon uploading a Marker(label), the "label" will be set to the "Goto Label" field of the following instruction. If there is no instruction following the Marker instruction (before the "END" statement), a Custom instruction will be created with its "Goto Label" set. If the Label referenced by a GOTO instruction does not exist in the program, a warning will be generated instructing the user to manually correct the program.
Indirect label addressing is not supported.
- Condition
- A DELMIA Condition instruction is translated into an IF. The expression for the IF must conform to the KUKA KRL Expressions. Additionally multiple expressions can be joined with AND or OR operators. However, AND and OR cannot be mixed. See Run (procedure) for how expressions are translated.
- Test
- A DELMIA Test instruction is translated to a KUKA SWITCH … CASE … ENDSWITCH instruction. The Test expression types supported are Integer and String.
- For-Loop
- DELMIA For-Loop instruction is translated into a KUKA FOR … TO … ENDFOR instruction. DELMIA restricts the STEP to be either 1 or -1.
- While-Do
- DELMIA While-Do instruction is translated to KUKA WHILE … ENDWHILE instruction.
- Custom
- A custom instruction text is downloaded into the program exactly as-is. On upload, any unsupported instruction is created as a custom instruction with the name of the custom instruction being the KRL instruction's text.
- Grab/Release
Grab and release instructions are downloaded as Kuka Gripper Tech instruction H50.
- Assign
A DELMIA assign instruction is translated into a KUKA KRL assignment.
The expressions for the assignment must conform to the KUKA KRL assignment restrictions on download. See Expressions for details on how each KUKA data type and operators are translated.
Output IOs are also assigned with this statement.
- Pulse
A DELMIA Pulse instruction is translated into a KUKA Pulse instruction.
Output IO number, output value, or pulse duration(time) cannot be specified as a variable. They must be specified as numbers.
Output IOs must be of type Boolean.
When pulse duration is set to Infinite, it downloads to the maximum of 3 seconds.
Non-zero Delay value is not supported in Kuka. A warning is issued.
- Wait
A DELMIA Wait instruction is translated as a KUKA KRL “WAIT FOR” instruction.
On download, the expression for the wait must conform to the KUKA wait expression syntax. See Expressions for details.
The KUKA “WAIT SEC time” expression format corresponds to a DELMIA Wait instruction with the expression set to the constant “false”. The DELMIA timeout value is the time.
KUKA Example DELMIA Example WAIT FOR $IN[17] WAIT FOR BIT1 == FALSE Wait (Input[17]=1) Timeout = 0s Wait (BIT1=false) Timeout = 0s WAIT SEC 2.5 Wait (false) Timeout = 2.5s On upload, WAIT instructions are uploaded as custom activities if the parameter "CommentWaitSignal" in "Kuka Controller Parameters" is set to true. This is the default value. This is because the robot program will pause during simulation at the WAIT instruction unless all the robot's IO have been setup and you are simulating the full station behavior.
- Run (procedure)
A DELMIA run instruction, where the run is calling a procedure, is translated into a KUKA subprogram call instruction.
Run instructions can have arguments. The argument expression in the run instruction must conform to the KUKA KRL argument requirements. This means that an argument can be a constant, a string, a local variable or a procedure input variable.
DELMIA argument direction KUKA Download Result In Supported Transfer mode is ":IN" Out Supported Transfer mode is ":OUT" InOut Not Supported N/A - Robot Motion
- Robot Motions, Spot Operations, and Arc Operations support the following options.
Kuka Motion Option Support Level DELMIA Equivalent Description Translation Notes PTP, LIN, CIRC Joint, Linear, Circular motion type CIRC requires an auxiliary position and a target position. Px Global positions supported, not local Position Type / Position Number Position storage location Tag and Cartesian targets are downloaded as Kuka E6POS positions. Joint targets are downloaded as E6AXIS positions. C_DIS, C_VEL, C_PTP Support Accuracy Profile Accuracy When approximate positioning is used(FlyBy=On), C_VEL specifies accuracy type speed and C_DIS specifies type distance. For type joint moves, C_PTP is also present, i.e. "C_PTP C_DIS" or "C_PTP C_VEL". Accuracy values are specified in the .DAT file as component APO_DIST of data structure PDAT/LDAT. See also Accuracy Parameter section. VEL Support Motion Profile Speed "VEL" appears in the motion FOLD but not on the motion command line. Its value is specified in the .DAT file as component VEL of data structure PDAT/LDAT. $config.dat Limited Kuka predefined data file When uploading programs, if this file exists in the same folder, it is also uploaded. Positions, tool profiles, object profiles, motion profiles, and accuracy profiles will be created if they are used in the program task. E6AXIS positions are uploaded as HOME targets, and E6POS positions are uploaded as Global targets. These positions, along with PDAT/LDAT (motion profile-accuracy profile combo) and FDAT defined in $config.dat, are not downloaded to application programs.
- Spot Welding
For spot welding, only servo guns are supported. Spot operation translation depends upon the weld parameter settings of "Kuka ServoGunWeld Profile" or "Kuka ServoGunTipDress Profile" which is associated with the spot operation.
Upon uploading Kuka robot programs with SpotTech instructions, the profiles are created with the parameters are set from the instruction FOLD. Upon download, the parameters are used to generate the instruction FOLD.
For Tip Dress instructions, the "Cont" attribute is set to "TIPDRESS" on uploading ServoGun TC programs.
- Arc Welding
Translation of Arc welding operations relies on the Arc profile and the Kuka-specific arc profile DNBOlpKukaArcProfile. Generally, one Arc profile is associated with all Arc operations for a single weld. Arc profile Start, Weld, and End sections are set with Kuka specific arc weld profiles.
Upon uploading Kuka robot programs with ArcTech20 instructions, the profiles are created with the parameters set from the instruction FOLD and the weld data structures (WELD_ST and WELD_FI) in the DAT file. Upon download, the parameters are used to generate the A20 instruction FOLD in the SRC file and the weld data structures in the DAT file.
- Gripper Application
Grab and Release actions are translated to GripperTech instructions. Only Type 1 gripper, 2 states Open & Close as defined in Kuka GripperTech, is supported. An applicative profile DNBOlpKukaGripperProfile needs to be associated with the Grab/Release actions. When the profile parameter "Cont" (Approximate positioning) is "#NO", Grab/Release actions are translated to direct H50 function calls ( H50(…) ). When the parameter is "#YES", they are translated to TRIGGER instructions that call H50 function.
Upon upload, the profiles are created with the parameters set from the instruction FOLD and the gripper data structures (GRP_TYP) in the DAT file. Upon download, the parameters are used to generate the H50 and TRIGGER instructions FOLD in the SRC file and the gripper data structures in the DAT file.