Robot Signature Calibration

You can perform robot signature calibration to compensate for robot motion inaccuracies between the real and simulated robots.

These inaccuracies are caused by inexact link lengths, link offset, and link twist parameters in the open loop linkage of the robotic device. Signature calibration is accomplished by specifying joint offsets or delta vectors.

Joint-level calibration errors account for 80% of the inaccuracies in a typical robot workcell. For greater accuracy, delta vector parameters are used to model the complete kinematic signature of the robot. These signature parameters are used by DELMIA software to modify robot forward kinematics as well as the nominal solution configurations returned by robot forward kinematics.

The combination of forward kinematics and inverse kinematics is used during uploading and downloading to the real robot to compensate for its signature. Delta vector calibration shows better proportionality to kinematic errors at each joint without the singularity problems.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
  • Ensure that a data file has been created that contains the tag names, TCP locations and robot joint values for several locations as measured by a Coordinate Measuring System (CMM).
See Also
Auto ID Input File