Powder Bed Fabrication

Powder Bed Fabrication lets you define an additive manufacturing process, which covers all steps from preparing 3D objects on the build tray to exporting output information files. The process also includes slicing and scan paths generation.

See Also
What's New
Powder Bed Fabrication Basics

Powder Bed Fabrication includes the following capabilities:

  • Define and customize the manufacturing environment (machine and build tray).
  • Generate and optimize the position of objects on the build tray.
  • Generate support structures and optimize their design.
  • Define, generate and visualize the slicing and scan path.
  • Define reusable rules for each step of the process (nesting, support, slicing and scan path generation).
  • Output files containing geometry, slicing and scan path information, such as STL, 3MF and CLI files.