About Plunge Milling Concepts

This section explains how Plunge Milling works.

Each of the plunge milling tool paths:

  • Starts at a given distance from the rough stock and stop at a given distance from the part taking into account the offsets,
  • Takes into account the non cutting diameter of the tool.

The Plunge Milling tool path positions are placed on a grid:

  • Rectangular, defined by two step values, a direction, and a center point. The order of the plunges is fixed.
  • From selected points or from contours, defining the position and the order of machining.
  • Defined by an offset from a contour you have selected.

The tool plunges starting from a position defined by the tool contact with the rough stock plus the axial safety distance.

The plunge stops when:

  • The bottom plan (plus offset) is reached,
  • The tool center touches the material (when the non cutting diameter is not null),
  • The tool reaches the part (plus offset).