- Name
- The name of the current profile.
- Index
- You can optionally enter an index number for the current profile for use with Robot Programming. Positive
integer values or zero are valid.
By default, this value is unset.
Shot peening tab
- Beam color
- Defines the color of the shot peening beam.
- Beam state
- Determines if the beam is active during simulation.
- Simulation parameters
- Beam Range
- Beam Flow Rate
- Simulation current mass flow rate of peening shot in the beam.
- Beam Flow Pressure
- Simulation current air pressure driving the peening shot in the beem.
- Approach inclination
- Percentage of sprayed paint solids that will adhere to the surface.
- 98% Coverage time
- Exposure time that implies 98% surface coverage.
Position tab
- From
- The tool profile from which the position and orientation of the peening tool is relative to.
By default, the position and orientation is relative to the mount port.
- Coordinates
- X
- The X offset of the peening tool from the selected tool profile.
- Y
- The Y offset of the peening tool from the selected tool profile.
- Z
- The Z offset of the peening tool from the selected tool profile.
- Yaw
- The yaw offset of the peening tool from the selected tool profile.
- Pitch
- The pitch offset of the peening tool from the selected tool profile.
- Roll
- The roll offset of the peening tool from the selected tool profile.
Calibration tab
Shot material
Type of shot material used with this peening tool.
Shot diameter
- Diameter of shot used with this peening tool.
- Almen Strip Type
- Almen strip type used during the calibration test.
Test beam height
- Beam height used during the Almen calibration test.
- Test beam width
Beam width used during the Almen calibration test.
- Test beam inclination
Beam width used during the Almen calibration test.
- Test mass flow rate
- Mass flow rate of peening shot used during the Almen calibration test.
- Test air pressure flow
Air pressure flow driving the peening shot used during the Almen calibration test.
- Test coverage speed
- Robot TCP speed that results in 98% surface coverage during the Almen calibration test.
- Spray delay ON
- Time delay when the spray is turned on.
- Spray delay OFF
- Time delay when the spray is turned off.
- Table data
- Intensity
- Measured intensity with respect to tool speed.
- Inclination
- Approach inclination with respect to flow pressure.
- Add values
- Add a set of values.
- Delete values
- Deletes a set of values.
- Import values
- Imports a set of values.
- Export values
- Exports a set of values.