Surface Sequence Dialog Box

The Surface Trajectory dialog box provides options for defining a paint trajectory.

To access the dialog box, click Insert a Paint Sequence from the Teach context toolbar and select a robot.

This page discusses:


The number of selected surfaces. Click to add or remove surfaces.
Path tab
Specifies the strategy in which strokes are sequenced.
When selected, the alternate strokes in the path are in the opposite direction.
When selected, all strokes in the path are in the same direction.
Via Pattern
Sets the connection between last the depart point of a stroke to the first approach point of the next stroke.
When selected, the approach point and depart point of two consecutive strokes are connected with an arc. The third point for the arc is created from Via offset value.
When selected, the approach point and depart point of two strokes are connected with a line.
Via offset
The distance from the depart point in the depart direction. It is used to create the third point for the arc connecting the approach point and depart point of the two consecutive strokes.
Distance between strokes
When selected, all strokes in the path have same constant distance between each other.
Specifies the distance between two strokes. The distance between passes is also shown in the work area. This value can also be edited using the manipulator attached to the blue lines associated to Overlap distance.
Each stroke can have a different distance specified from the previous stroke. When selected, you can select a stroke (either from the Stroke tab or by selecting a stroke in the work area) and set the distance from the Stroke tab or by dragging the blue line in the work area.
Path parameters
Stroke Tolerance
Set the sag value. The uniformity of the tags on the strokes is determined by this value.
Skip Holes Larger Than
You can skip holes in the geometry during path generation if a given hole size is greater than this value.

By default, this option is disabled.

Path Extremities
Select to add first Start Point and last End Point to the path. The distance of these points can be modified by dragging the solid blue lines in the work area.
Creates a red boundary box around the surface sequence.

You can click and drag the lines of the boundary box to lengthen/shorten the strokes of the trajectory, or increase/decrease the size of the trajectory, therefore increasing or decreasing the number of strokes. Click Exit to exit the sequence reposition state.
List of points
When clicked, displays all of the points in the path. Selecting a point in this panel (or selecting a tag in the work area) moves the tool and robot to that point (if reachable), places the orientation Robot at that location and displays a context toolbar.
Stroke tab
Selected Stroke
If Distance between stroke is Constant, Selected Stroke is set to All and no stroke can be selected (changes in this tab apply to all strokes). If Distance between stroke is Variable, any stroke can be selected from List of points. Strokes can either be selected from the work area or from the list.
Define Offsets
Distance from Previous Stroke
Specifies the distance between the selected stroke and the previous stroke. This distance can also be modified using the orientation Robot.
Number of Approach Points
Applies to only a selected stroke. The approach point position can be modified using the orientation Robot.
Number of Retract Points
Applies to only a selected stroke. The retract point position can be modified using the orientation Robot
List of points
Displays the list of points contained in the path.

Resource Parameters

Robot tab
Paint Profile
Displays the active paint profile. You can select another profile from the list, or click to edit the current profile.
List of points
Displays the list of points of the entire path.
Conveyor tab
Tracking Profile
Displays the current tracking profile to associate with the paint sequence. You can select another profile from the list, or click to edit the current profile.

Simulation Analysis

Pause, Previous, Play, Next
Simulation playback tools to playback the sequence.
Step Size
Specifies the step size of the simulation playback.
Play All
When selected, runs the current paint sequence from the first point to the last point in the sequence.