Setting Approach Direction, Sweep Direction, and Anchor Position
When creating or editing a trajectory, you can flip the Approach direction, change
the Sweep direction, and set the Start position trajectory in the work area.
Before you begin: You are currently creating a new trajectory with the Surface
Trajectory command, or are editing an existing trajectory after double-clicking
it in the Behavior side tab.
To reverse the direction of approach, double-click the blue Approach
Direction arrow.
The Approach Direction is the direction in which the tool (paint gun) approaches the
points on the trajectory.
Double-click the Approach Direction arrow a second time to return
to the intial state.
To rotate the sweep direction in 90 degree increments, double-click the blue
Sweep Direction arrow. Each double-click rotates the direction by
90 degrees.
Sweep Direction the direction in which the tool sweeps the parts (paint gun applies
the strokes).
To change the current Anchor Position, click the cyan circular disk at the current
Anchor Position to reveal other possible positions shown in blue. Click any of these
positions to change the Anchor Position.
The Anchor Position is the position where the Approach Direction and Sweep Direction
arrows are displayed.
The Start Position changes based on the selected
Anchor Position, and the Sweep Direction
is adusted accordingly.