Creating a Service Item

You can create one or more service items on a service item node of the tree using the context menu or commands in the action bar.

  1. Right-click a service item node in the tree and click Insert Predecessor in the context menu.
  2. Select the service item type.

    Depending on the service item type of the selected node, the proposed types are:

    • Service Assembly
    • Service Part
    • Service Kit
    • Continuous Provided Material
    • Remove Material

    A new service item node is inserted in the tree.

    • You can also create service items by selecting the service item type from the action bar. Double-clicking a command in the action bar lets you quickly create several service items of the selected type.
    • A data requirement link is automatically created from a new service item (predecessor) to its parent service item (successor).
  3. Optional: You can switch a Service Assembly into a Service Part, and switch a Service Part into a Service Assembly.

    • To switch a Service Assembly into a Service Part, select the item, then click Switch to Service Part in the item's context menu or in the Authoring section of the action bar.
      Note: If the Service Assembly has children, a warning message is displayed. If you select Yes, the switch is done. Else, it is canceled: then, you may remove the children manually and run Switch to Service Part again.
    • To switch a Service Part into a Service Assembly, select the item, then click Switch to Service Assembly in the item's context menu or in the Authoring section of the action bar.

    A new reference item is created. The information that is common to the two items is copied from the original item to the new item. The following information is not copied:

    • Predefined configurations
    • Manufacturing responsibility
    • Substitute.

    • It is impossible to switch an item that holds a broken scope link, or a scope link that is not loaded in the session.
    • If the implementing operations are not loaded in the session, use the Manage Inconsistent Links Operation - Item command to reconnect the implement links.
    • If the implemented parts are not loaded in the session, use the Manage Inconsistent Links Item - Product command to reconnect the implement links.