Creating a Manufacturing Assembly in Advanced User Mode

You can create a Manufacturing Assembly structure automatically using the Create/Update Item Structure command.

Before you begin: You must have a suitable product structure comprising parts and subassemblies. In this scenario, You must select the Advanced user (all options) mode in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > Simulation > Process Engineering >Service Process Structure > Items Management > Generation mode for industry.
See Also
About Manufacturing Assembly Creation and Update
  1. Open the product for which you want to create the Manufacturing Assembly structure.

  2. Open the required app.
    A PPR Context is created in a new tab, and the product is inserted in the PPR Context.
  3. Create a root item.
  4. From the Authoring section of the action bar, click Create/Update Item Structure .
    The Create/Update Item Structure dialog box appears.
  5. To fill the required fields in the dialog box, select the root product and the root item in the tree.

    Note: You can select the Create Scope between the selected Product and Item option, to create a scope between the selected product and item.

  6. Click Next to go to step 2.
  7. Select the required options.
    • Generate Items structure based on Make-Buy: If this option is selected, the item generation is determined according to selected industry mode - Advanced user (all options) in this scenario - and whether the product is considered as Make or Buy.
    • Create complete Assembly for Design Assembly: If this option is selected, nonleaf product nodes are handled recursively. The product leaf nodes have a corresponding Provided Part when conditions are met.
      Note: Using the Advanced user (all options) generation mode overrides the Working under the authority of an action option defining in the following cases:
      • When the Generate Items structure based on Make-Buy option is selected and Make or Buy attribute is specified as Undefined for the current item.
      • When the Generate Items structure based on Make-Buy is cleared.
  8. Click Next to go to step 3.
  9. Select the options for the items you want to generate.
  10. Click Finish to generate the Manufacturing Assembly structure.
    A Create Update Items Structure - Report panel displays and gives a report of the created entities.
    Tip: The following actions are available in the Create Update Items Structure - Report panel:
    • Click Export Content to export the report content as a text, CSV, or TSV file.
    • Click the expand button to display the list of filters.
    • Click Delete Report to delete the message.
    • Click Clear all messages to clear the report.
    • Select a message row to highlight the newly created entity in the PPR tree.
    • Double-click a message or use the Reframe On contextual command to reframe the newly created entity in the item tile structure.

    A scope is created between the root item and the root product. The created Manufacturing Assembly structure appears under the root item.

You have created a Manufacturing Assembly structure comprising the required items to manufacture the selected product.

  • If the product is not declared as Manufacturable/Procurable, the system does not take into account the product:
    • For a leaf product, no implementing item (generally a provided part) is created.
    • For an intermediate node, the system does not take into account the node and continues deeper in the structure.
  • With the Create/Update Item Structure command, you can update the Manufacturing Assembly structure with items that have links to the product structure. The scenario for updating is similar to the scenario for generating described above.