Sequence Operations Using the Gantt Chart

In this step, you will sequence operations using the Process Gantt chart.

  1. From the Authoring section of the action bar, click Process Gantt .
  2. Select the root General system.
    The Manufacturing System Gantt appears showing all systems and operations. The operations are not sequenced at this stage.
  3. In the graphic part of the Gantt chart, drag an operation and drop it onto a second operation in the Gantt chart.
    A product flow appears between the two operations. The two operations are sequenced.
  4. In the same way, sequence the other operations in the Gantt chart.

    Tip: If there is a large number of operations, they can be automatically sequenced by the Workload Balancing command.

  5. Make sure that the percentage in the Utilization column complies with the Utilization criteria. If the percentage is too big, the cell is colored red.

    Tip: If the Utilization percentage is excessive, you can move operations from the overloaded system to one that is less loaded or decrease the duration of one or more operations.