New Section Probe
New Section Probe dialog box appears.
If no product is
selected prior to entering the command, the entire scene is sectioned.
Otherwise, any product pre-selected is sectioned. To change the selection,
use the Ctrl key.

Reposition the section (using the manipulator or the
OK in
New Section Probe dialog box.
A thumbnail is displayed in
Right-click the probe, and select
Add to Scenario (3D
- The section probe is added to the current scenario.

- The work area shows the probe.

You can remove the section probe from the scenario by
right-clicking the section probe thumbnail and selecting
Remove from Current
Scenario. The section probe remains in the
work area
as long as it is part of the current scenario.
You can also add or remove the probe from the scenario by modifying the scenario. For more information, see Referencing Probes in a Scenario.
You can use the section probe to analyze the scenario or add 2D
views of it to a scenario. If you save the content in your manufacturing
scenario, the state of the probe in the scenario in which it is referenced can
persist from one session to another.