Define Claim Group for a Decision Zone

You can define a claim group for a decision zone.

  1. From the Programming section of the action bar, click Claim Group definition, then select a decision zone.

    Note: You can also claim group definition for a pathway. In this case, the claim groups already defined on the pathway are on the list.

  2. In the Create or Edit AGV Claim Group dialog box that appears, click Add Group.
  3. In the Edit Claim Group dialog box that appears, click Add Decision Zone.
  4. In the Select Decision Zone(s) dialog box that appears, add decision zones from the group, then click OK.
  5. Define the Claim Capacity value, which is used to manage the maximum number of AGV decision zones in the group.
  6. Click Remove Decision Zone to remove decision zones from the group.
  7. Click OK to validate.
    The Select Decision Zone(s) dialog box closes and the Create or Edit AGV Claim Group dialog box appears.
  8. Modify the request groups by using the Edit Group and Remove Group(s) options.
    During Simulation, when two AGV come across an intersecting path with a claim group defined, the first AGV claims a decision zone, which is part of claim group. In this case, the other AGV waits in the previous decision zone in a claim blocked state. Once the First AGV unclaims the decision zone, which is part of the claim group, then the claim blocked AGV starts moving.