S_SimulationTime |
Provides the simulation's clock time. |
Time |
In |
S_CycleCount |
Provides the cycles count of activities on a machine. |
Integer |
In |
S_ActivityCount |
Provides the total execution count of the activity. |
Integer |
In |
S_ResourceName |
Provides the resource's name. |
String |
In |
S_ActivityName |
Provides the activity's name. |
String |
In |
S_ActivityTime |
Specifies the activity's time. This attribute has to be set. |
Real |
Out |
S_Speed |
Provides the AGV's speed. This attribute can be updated. |
Real |
Out |
S_ProductStatus |
Provides the part's status after an inspection activity. The status is either
Good, Rejected, or Rework. |
String |
Out |
S_TargetResource |
Specifies the target resource during routing. This attribute has to be
set. |
String |
Out |
S_NextActivity |
Specifies the next activity to be executed. This attribute has to be
set. |
String |
Out |
S_CurrentMobile |
Provides the AGV' s name. |
String |
In |
S_FinalDestination |
Provides the AGV's target decision zone. |
String |
Out |
S_PartCount |
Provides the number of parts on the AGV or buffer. |
Integer |
Out |
S_PartNotRouted |
Provides the parts residing on buffer which are yet to be routed. |
S_RotationSpeed |
Provides the rotation speed of the AGV. This attribute can be
updated. |
Real |
Out |
S_Route |
Specifies if routing can be done. This attribute has to be set. |
Boolean |
Out |
S_Battery |
Gives the battery the value of the average
S_CurrentResidenceTime . |
Real |
Out |
S_CurrentResidenceTime |
Provides the time spent by the AGV in a given decision zone. |
Real |
Out |
S_ActivityDuration |
Provides the time taken by an activity after the activity ended. |
Real |
Out |
S_TotalWeight |
Provides the total weight of the products on a mobile resource. |
Real |
Out |
S_StopBatteryDischarge |
Stops the discharge of the battery from the values provided in the battery panel.
The battery value updates only with user logic changes
(S_Battery) . |
Boolean |
Out |
S_StartBatteryDischarge |
Resumes battery discharge from the values provided in the battery panel. |
Boolean |
Out |
S_Battery_Loaded_Travel |
Modifies the battery's loaded travel discharge value. |
Real |
Out |
S_Battery_Empty_Travel |
Modifies the battery's empty travel discharge value. |
Real |
Out |
S_Battery_Loading |
Modifies the battery's loading discharge value. |
Real |
Out |
S_Battery_Unloading |
Modifies the battery's unloading discharge value. |
Real |
Out |
S_Battery_Loaded_Idle |
Modifies the battery's loaded idle discharge value. |
Real |
Out |
S_Battery_Empty_Idle |
Modifies the battery's empty idle discharge value. |
Real |
Out |
S_Battery_Loaded_Rotation |
Modifies the battery's loaded rotation discharge value. |
Real |
Out |
S_Battery_Empty_Rotation |
Modifies the battery's empty rotation discharge value. |
Real |
Out |
S_ImpactingResource |
Modifies the impacting resource of a buffer. |
String |
Out |
S_GlobalReorderLevel |
Modifies the global reorder level of a buffer. |
Integer |
Out |
S_BlockMobile |
Blocks an AGV until all the requests on the connected resource of the decision
zone are satisfied (mobile selection). |
Boolean |
Out |
S_SelectMobileAtDec |
The AGV is only used when it is on the applied decision zone. The AGV selection
does not happen automatically. |
Boolean |
Out |
S_RouteTillFull |
Routes until the requests in the resource connected to the decision zone are
fulfilled. |
Boolean |
Out |
S_SelectMobileSupplyingPart |
When a worker carries multiple parts, the same worker is used to load the part
(mobile selection). |
Boolean |
Out |
S_ResetMobileSelection |
Resets the AGVs and makes them available for selection from all decision zones
(related to the multi-part AGV scenario). |
Boolean |
Out |
S_ViaDZone |
Changes the path of the AGV based on the condition. The AGV takes the path with
the mentioned ViaDz. |
String |
Out |
S_Utilization |
Provides the resource's utilization. |
Real |
Out |
Provides the IPAT. |
Real |
Out |
S_TotalOutput |
Provides the machine's total output. |
Integer |
Out |
S_AverageProcessingTime |
Provides the machine's average processing time. |
Real |
Out |
S_ResidenceTime |
Provides the residence time of a product in the machine. |
Real |
Out |
S_TotalDistanceTravelled |
Provides the AGV's total travelled distance. |
Real |
Out |
S_TotalRejection |
Provides the machine's total rejection. |
Integer |
Out |