Edit Failure Dialog Box

The Edit Failure dialog box provides options for editing resource failure and repair parameters.

To access the dialog box, click Edit Failure from the Programming section of the action bar and select a resource with a failure.

See Also
Define Failure Dialog Box
Edit Time Distribution Dialog Box
Based on Mode
Production Percentage: failure occurs based on the percentage in the value field after completing the current cycle. This only applies to machines.
When using this option, run the simulation for a longer duration to get the approximate results close to the defined percentage value. At the end of the cycle on the machine, the resource may enter failed state based on the percentage value you provided.
You can view the failure statistics in the HTML Report, Global HTML Report, and States History Gantt chart.
Failure Name
Lets you modify the name of the failure.
Percentage of times a failure may occur after a cycle is complete on the machine.
Time Between Failures
Specifies the time at which the failure starts. You can specify a probability time distribution instead of a specific duration by clicking Distribution.
Displays the repair associated with the failure:

Lets you modify the name of the repair.

Time to Repair
Specifies the time at which the repair starts.
You can specify a probability time distribution instead of a specific duration by clicking Distribution.
Assigned resource pools
Displays the resource pools that fix the failure. You can define which resource pool will fix the failure by clicking Assign and selecting a resource. You can remove a resource pool by selecting a resource pool and clicking Unassign.