Managing AGV Traffic

You can manage AGV traffic at intersections.

This task shows you how to:

Add a Traffic Zone

You can define traffic zones at intersections for AGVs.

  1. From the Setup section of the action bar, click Manage Traffic Zones.
  2. In the panel that displays, click Add Traffic Zone.
  3. Select the Control Mode:
    FIFO Stands for First In, First Out. If the control mode is FIFO, the AGVs enter in the order of accumulation at the intersection.
    Priority If the control mode is Priority, the AGVs enter based on the priority of entry decision zones.
    Sequence Non-Blocking If the control mode is Sequence Non-Blocking, the AGVs enter based on the sequence of entry decision zones.
    • If the traffic zone has claim group defined as an exit decision zone, the AGVs are routed one after the other at the intersection.
    • If the traffic zone has an individual decision zone as an exit decision zone, the AGVs are routed based on the claim capacity of the decision zone. In this case, more than one AGV can pass the intersection when traveling in the same direction.
    Sequence Blocking During Simulation, when an AGV arrives at a decision zone with a defined sequence, it passes the decision zone if the AGV is next in sequence. If an AGV arrives out of sequence, it waits in the waiting zone.
  4. Add the entry decision zones. Then, add the exit decision zones, or select the exit decision zone Claim Group from the list.

  5. Click OK to validate.

Define a Traffic Zone with Sequence Blocking

You can define a traffic mode with the Control Mode Sequence Blocking.

  1. Right-click a decision zone with an AGV flow that contains parts and select Edit.
  2. In the panel that displays, select the Sequence check box.

  3. Edit the sequence to specify the sequence of AGV with parts to flow through the decision zone.
  4. From the Setup section of the action bar, click Manage Traffic Zones.
  5. In the dialog box that displays, select the decision zone with the defined sequence.
  6. Add a traffic zone.

    Note: You cannot modify the control mode and exit zone. You can only update the entry zone by selecting either waiting zone or list of individual decision zones.

  7. Click OK to validate.

Define a Waiting Zone

  1. From the Setup section of the action bar, click Manage Waiting Zones.
  2. In the dialog box that displays, click Add to select the decision zones for the waiting zone.

  3. Click OK to validate.

Define an Impacting Zone

  1. Right-click a decision zone and select Edit.
  2. In the panel that displays, click Assign Impacted Zone to select the decision zones whose claim must be verified before the AGV moves away from current decision zone.
    1. Click OK to validate.

    During simulation, if an AGV’s current decision zone has an impacting decision zone defined, the AGV considers the impacting decision zones claim count before travel.

    Manage a Block and Release Zone

    1. From the Setup section of the action bar, click Manage AGV Block and Release.
    2. In the panel that displays, click to select an entry decision zone and exit decision zone.

      Note: Entry decision zones lock specified decision zones, and exit decision zones release decision zones.

    3. Add the block zone.
    4. Add the release zone.
    5. Click OK to validate.

    During simulation, when the AGV starts traveling from an entry decision zone, it blocks specified decision zones. This causes the AGV to stop at the locked decision zones.

    When an AGV unclaims an exit decision zone of a Block and Release model, it releases specified decision zones and causes blocked AGVs to start traveling again.

    Define a Path Selection Mode

    1. Right-click a decision zone with a possible alternate path and select Edit.
    2. In the panel that displays, define the Path Selection Mode as Least Congested.

    3. Click OK to validate.

    During simulation, when an AGV moves from a decision zone with the Path Selection Mode defined as Least Congested , it takes the path with the least AGVs.