Defining a Probability Time Distribution for an Activity

You can define the duration of an activity using a probability time distribution.

Before you begin: Create a factory flow.
See Also
Edit Time Distribution Dialog Box
  1. In the work area, select a resource and click Edit the SLA resource behavior and activities in the context toolbar.
  2. In the Edit dialog box, click None.
  3. In the Edit Time Distribution dialog box, select an item from the Distribution list.
  4. Define distribution parameters, such as:
    • Distribution
    • Mean
    • Std. Dev
    • Stream

    A graph appears, displaying the probability density function based on the defined parameters. Values appear on the vertical axis to show the frequency of occurrence of the activity and on the horizontal axis to show the duration of the activity.

  5. You can also click Initialize from preset to define distribution parameters from a preset.
  6. Click a preset from the Preset selection dialog box then click OK.

    Note: You can set time distribution presets when you click in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > Simulation Virtual Factory > Factory Flow Simulation > Default Values > Time distribution preset > XML file for Time Distribution Preset. Parameters can have expression as well, which includes multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. Example XML file:

    The values are updated to the presets in the Edit Time Distribution dialog box.
  7. Click .
  8. In the Edit dialog box, click OK.