Estimating the Warmup Time

You can estimate the warmup time.

  1. From the Analysis and output section of the action bar, click Setup Plot Parameters .
    The Setup Plot Parameters panel displays, with statistical attributes for resources of the machine, out zone, and storage types.

  2. In the panel, use the arrows to move the statistical attributes from the Available Attributes column to the Selected Attributes column.

    The following statistical attributes are available for each resource type:

    • For Machines: Ouput Count, Utilization, and Cycle Time
    • For Out Zones: IPAT and Output Count
    • For Storages: Queue Lenght

    Note: The attributes used for warmup estimation display in red.

  3. Save, then click OK to validate.
  4. From the Analysis and output section of the action bar, click Batch Simulation Monitor .
    The FFS Batch Queue dialog box displays.

  5. Click Create to create a new job.
    The FFS Batch Job Definition panel displays.

  6. In the panel:

    • Activate the Warmup Time Estimation option.
    • Verify that Warm-up Time is set to 0s.
    • Define No of Runs.
      Note: The recommanded number is 5 or more.
    • Define Output Directory.
      Note: A new subfolder will be created to store the files.

  7. Click OK to validate.
    The new job displays in the FFS Batch Queue dialog box.
  8. Select the job and click Plots Statistics to display the variations of a statistical variable across multiple runs.

    This following dialog box displays:

  9. Close the dialog box.
  10. Select the job and click Plots WarmupTime Estimation .
    This dialog box displays, with 2D line curve plots corresponding to the selected statistical attributes:

  11. Define the Time Window and Moving Average Time Window values:

    • Time Window: the span size of time unit. It divides the simulation run time into smaller intervals, and averages them to a single value.
    • Moving Average Time Window: it calculates the arithmetic mean of a given set of values over the specified Time Window size.
    Note: The combination of Time Window and Moving Average Time Window results in smoothening the curve, thus identifying warmup time.

  12. Right-click the dialog box, and from the View menu, click Cursor Along X Axis.
    A vertical line displays the X and Y coordinates of the curves intesection.

  13. Find out the point where the curve flattens:

    • If the curve flattens, the x value is the recommended warmup time.
    • Otherwise, increase the simulation run time and repeat the process.