Creating a Deburring Operation

You can create a Deburring operation to remove burrs that may occur during metal fabrication. Deburring operations allow you to drastically reduce the programming time by automatically detecting sharp edges on the part.

  1. From the Surface Machining section of the action bar, click Deburring .
    A Deburring machining operation is added to the manufacturing program. The Deburring dialog box opens at the Geometry tab.
  2. In the Geometry tab:
    1. Select the part in the work area.
    2. Click Sharp Edges to select the sharp edges in the Selection of Sharp Edges panel that appears. For more information, see Geometry Parameters.
  3. In the Strategy tab, specify the machining parameters. For more information, see Strategy Parameters.
  4. In the Tool Axis tab, select a tool axis mode. For more information, see Tool Axis Parameters.
  5. In the Macros tab, add approach and retract motions to the operation. For more information, see Macros Parameters.
  6. In the Feeds and Speeds tab, specify the feedrates and spindle speed parameters for the operation. For more information, see Feeds and Speeds Parameters.
  7. Click OK to create the deburring operation.

The deburring operation is created and is displayed in the Manufacturing View.