Resource Trajectory with Design Information

(denoted with a yellow icon) |
Represents the XYZYPR coordinate positions that the robot will follow during
task simulation. It is created as a result of the Sync with
Planning command and has design fastener attributes (location,
fastener attributes, etc.). |
Process Trajectory
Represents the XYZYPR coordinate positions of design fastener. It is created
from Process Planning data, and used for Product Buildup when you have PPR with
Planning data open. Commonly referred to as a Process Planning-centric BiW
scenario. |
Resource Trajectory

(denoted with a blue icon) |
Represents the XYZYPR coordinate positions that the robot will follow during
task simulation. It is created manually using Robot Applications, or uploaded from a
production program. It does not contain design fastener information. Commonly
referred to as a Resource-centric BiW scenario. |
Synchronize Data with Planning |
A command that generates or updates a Manufacturing Product from Planning
structure and creates/updates Spot Trajectories (resource Trajectory with Design
information). |
Manufacturing Product |
Organizational Resource that contains a copy of the Design Product data without
Design Fasteners. |
Product Buildup |
The output of Planning Systems/Operations and represents the position and
configuration of a particular product in the Resource context. |
Filtered Data |
Visible PPR data representing a particular product or model variant. |
Configuration/Variant |
The definition of a particular variant specialization of a manufacturing
product. |
Category (for manufacturing product) |
A label used to define a variant (specialization of a manufacturing product)
property on manufacturing product, set through the Sync with
Planning command. Used in the Product
Management command to control visibility of variant-specific
manufacturing product. |