In the Point Fastening section of the action bar,
click Create Rivet Profile
You are prompted to select a programming resource.
In the work area, select a robot.
The Rivet Profile panel appears.
A default Name for the profile is provided at the top of the panel. You can edit it. The Controller for the selected robot is also displayed.
In the Tool frame, specify the attributes of the tool.
- Tool displays whether the current tool is Servo or Pneumatic.
- Joint specifies the joint name and number of the tool used for riveting. All available joint numbers of the device are listed and you can select the appropriate joint. In the case of a Servo tool, all available joint numbers of the auxiliary devices are listed.
- Close Position specifies the home position for gun close.
- Close Direction specifies the direction of the gun close motion.
- In the Cycle frame, select the rivet cycles to define.
Each cycle selected results in the display of a tab page of the same name. Each tab page contains the parameters applicable for that cycle. - Approach
- In this motion, the robot with servo rivet tool moves to the Approach Clearance point with the time and speed specified in the Motion Profile, and with the accuracy specified in the Accuracy Profile. If the robot is mounted with an independent rivet tool, only the robot moves.
- Accuracy Profile
- Motion Profile
- Stationary Tip Clearance
- Rivet Start
- In this motion, the robot with servo rivet tool moves to the rivet point (manufacturing fastener) with the time and speed specified in the Motion Profile, and with the accuracy specified in the Accuracy Profile. If the robot is mounted with an independent rivet tool, only the robot moves.
- Accuracy Profile
- Motion Profile
- Stationary Tip Clearance
- Rivet
- In this motion, only the rivet tool moves for Push Depth distance with the time and speed specified in the Motion Profile, and with the accuracy specified in Accuracy Profile. If the robot is mounted with an independent rivet tool (with kinematics), only the gun moves.
- Accuracy Profile
- Motion Profile
- Push Depth
- Hold Time
- Rivet Complete
- In this motion, the robot with servo rivet tool moves to the Tip Clearance point with the time and speed specified in the Motion Profile, and with the accuracy specified in Accuracy Profile. If the robot is mounted with an independent rivet tool (with kinematics), only the tool retracts to Tip Clearance point.
- Accuracy Profile
- Motion Profile
- Moving Tip Clearance
- Retract
- In this motion, the robot with servo rivet tool moves for Retract Distance with the time and speed specified in the Motion Profile and with the accuracy specified in Accuracy Profile. If the robot is mounted with an independent rivet tool, only the robot moves.
- Accuracy Profile
- Motion Profile
- Stationary Tip Clearance
- Define the parameters as needed and click OK.
A new profile is created and appears in the Profiles side tab.