Posture Prediction
- Name
- Accept the default name or enter your own.
- Package
- Pick one package from the tree.
- Method
- The algorithm calculation methods available for the driver position are:
Cascade and Cascade 2. The front passenger, second row
passenger, and third row passenger use Optimization.
Cascade prediction model is a statistical method for
predicting automobile driving posture developed by Dr. Matthew Reed. This also
included Miriam A. Manary , Carol A. C. Flannagan ,
and Lawrence W. Schneider . They are from the University of Michigan
Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on behalf of the Society of
Automotive Engineering (SAE), published in 2002. The
Cascade2 prediction model is a slight modification to the
original cascade.Cascade2 takes the type of transmission into
account. The Transmission list is only available when you
choose Cascade2.
- Seat Ratio
- This parameter represents the vertical adjustment of the seat for this posture prediction. It
calculates based on the selected package.
- Steering Wheel Tilt Ratio
Use the steering wheel tilt ratio to indicate the adjustment of the steering wheel angle for this
posture prediction. It calculates based on the selected package. - Initial Posture
This option is available for seating positions other than a driver. It activates when the
current posture prediction changes to active and associates with a manikin in the
Interaction Scenario Definition Panel. Otherwise grays out,
and you cannot select. Select: - Current Posture
- Hands-on knee
- Hands-on thigh
- Hands clasped
The selected initial posture option is activated when you select the Posture Prediction column then the row for that Manikin in the Interaction Scenario Definition Panel . Clicking here the Posture Prediction Listdialog box appears. Pick the required Posture prediction from the list, then OK. The manikin places at the posture prediction position and the initial posture obtain the
predicted position. This repeats when the Posture Prediction
edits right-clicking and use the Posture prediction1 object,
Definition. The subsequent updates of a posture prediction scenario the manikin is define to the selected
initial posture option. Selecting another position the manikin updates to the new
posture. This enables the start of the posture prediction from the same starting /
initial posture. - Seating Position:
This selects the seating position. - Side
This selects the side. - Transmission
This selects the Transmission, Automatic, or Manual. - Steering Wheel Telescope Ratio
- Uses the steering wheel telescope ratio to indicate the telescopic adjustment of the steering
wheel for this posture prediction. It calculates based on the selected package.
- Steering Wheel Grasp Style:
- Specify the hands position of the passenger manikin at a realistic and repeatable location on
the steering wheel. The following two positions use for gripping the steering wheels.
They are 9:15 and 10:10 position. These
positions refer to the hour and minute hand of a clock.
Grasping style: 10:10 |
Grasping style: 9:15 |


- Shoes
- You can specify the size of the Man or Woman
Heel and Sole height.
- Creation
- After its creation, the Posture Prediction node is displayed in the tree.
- Representation Ref node
- Posture Prediction 1 (Package1 / Driver, Cascade2)
- Interactions Scenario Definition
- Once the Posture Prediction has been related to at least one manikin and the
OK from the Interactions Scenario
Definition panel pressed, the Posture Prediction's node is refreshed:
- Representation Ref node
- Posture Prediction 1 (Package1 / Driver, Cascade2)
- Seat H-Point Coordinates (Manikin1)
If this Posture Prediction was related to 2 manikins, then its node refreshes
- Representation Ref node
- Posture Prediction 1 (Package1 / Driver, Cascade2)
- Seat H-Point Coordinates (Manikin1).
- Seat H-Point Coordinates (Manikin2).
In the case above, if the Manikin1 has its settings modified to another Posture
Prediction, then Posture Prediction 1’s node refreshes. It only shows the relation
that is ready to update:
- Representation Ref node
- Posture Prediction 1 (Package1 / Driver, Cascade2)
- Seat H-Point Coordinates (Manikin2)
- Update
- Only at the update command the result values for the seat H_Point add to the Posture Predictions node.
- Representation Ref node
- Posture Prediction 1 (Package1 / Driver, Cascade2)
- Seat H-Point Coordinates (Manikin1)
