The wkbconfig.xml configuration file contains additional
configuration options for 3DWorkbook.
Locating wkbconfig.xml
The configuration file
wkbconfig.xml is created the first time 3DWorkbook is run. It is located in ../webapps/3DWorkbook, and you can configure the file in this directory.
Configuring wkbconfig.xml
The configuration file wkbconfig.xml has the following default
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<attribute metaName="majorrevision" label="OrderVersionLbl" />
<attribute metaName="current" label="OrderMaturityLbl" />
<attribute metaName="V_description" label="" />
<attribute metaName="current" label="OperMaturityLbl" />
<attribute metaName="V_description" label="" />
<attribute metaName="V_WISignOff_Text" label="" />
<attribute metaName="V_WISignOff_Actors" label="SignoffActorLbl" type = "array" />
<attribute metaName="V_description" label="" />
<attribute metaName="V_WIDC_Text" label="" />
<attribute metaName="V_WIDC_SampleSize" label="DCSampleSizeLbl" />
<attribute objPropertyName="instanceName" />
<attribute metaName="V_WIInstruction_Text" label="" />
modelFile="DELMOMov.cgr" >
Configuring the Display of Details Attributes
You can add Attributes to all objects (except documents) in the Operation
Details and Process Plan Details panels.
If you add a default attribute or duplicate an attribute entry for an object, this
will display duplicate values in the 3DWorkbook Details panels.
Typically, each row can contain one attribute. If there is screen space available,
you can use two attributes in a row. Use the setting isNewRow="false"
indicate the second attribute in a row. Do not configure consecutive attributes with
. This may produce an undesirable result.
Tools and capable resources are both configured using the
The <attribute>
tag can have the following attributes:
isNewRow |
Either true or false . Specify
false to put the attribute on the same line as the previous
attribute. If this attribute is not present, its default value is
true . |
label |
This displays as the attribute's label unless it matches an NLS entry, in which case that entry is used as the label. |
metaName |
The name of the attribute in the meta file. |
type |
Either string or array . If this attribute is not present, its default value is string . |
Configuring <part>
To display the instance name with the part name, add <attribute objPropertyName="instanceName" />
To display whether a serial number is required on the part, the metaName
must be Ext(DELUnitModel/DELAsmUnitRefRequired).V_SerialNumberRequired
To display whether a lot number is required on the part, the metaName
must be Ext(DELUnitModel/DELAsmLotRefRequired).V_LotNumberRequired
Configuring Orientation Viewer Default Settings
You can specify the default size, location, and 3D model displayed in the Orientation
The <orientationview>
tag can have the following attributes:
Attribute |
Description |
height |
Height of the Orientation Viewer panel. Default value is
"100px" . |
width |
Width of the Orientation Viewer panel. Default value is
"150px" . The minimum value is "100px" . |
positionX |
Position of the lower-left corner of the Orientation Viewer
panel in relation to the X-axis of the 3D model displayed. Default value is
"300px" . |
positionY |
Position of the lower-left corner of the Orientation Viewer
panel in relation to the Y-axis of the 3D model displayed. Default value is
"100px" . |
modelFile |
Name of the CGR file with 3D model used in the Orientation
Viewer. Default value is "DELMOMov.cgr" . This setting is
case-sensitive. The file is expected in:
../webapps/DELMOMWKIExperience/assets/images/. The CGR file
has to assume a 3D geometry position of 0,0,0. (X,Y,Z axis). |