Fanuc RRS Profiles/Attributes

This section describes the attributes supported by the Fanuc RRS interface.

These can be set via either:

  • the provided pre-defined Fanuc RRS Controller-Specific Profile
  • by being added into a custom User Profile
Refer to Setting RRS Controller-Specific Attributes/Profiles for further details.

See Also
Fanuc RRS Servers
Fanuc RRS Interface

Fanuc RRS Attributes for Robot Operations/Activities

Attributes specified as being "non-modal" do not preserve their value from one move activity to the next, and hence must be set on each move activity (even if their value is the same).

For structure attributes, i.e., those that have a "\" in the attribute name, each component attribute must be defined in the order shown below. When these attributes are used, they will be the primary source of data that this RRS interface sends to the RCS module and will override any default mapping that may otherwise be supported.

The Fanuc RRS interface supports the servo gun-based spot emulation capability provided by Fanuc V6.31 and higher RCS modules. To invoke this capability the following must be done:

  • Set the robot MCA’s _rrs1_rcs_spot_emulation attribute in the Properties dialog box to TRUE. (See Servo Gun/Spot Emulation.)
  • Create appropriate "robot with servo gun" Fanuc RCS virtual robots/personalities using Fanuc RCS module’s "Virtual Robot Setup Wizard" utility and specify them (as the Relative Robot Path/Manipulator, respectively) during RRS Connect.
  • Set Fanuc RRS controller-specific profile instances containing the Fanuc RRS attributes _srvgn1_setup\..., _servo_spot_schedule\... (if using V6 Fanuc RCS) or _v7_servo_spot_schedule\... (if using V7 and higher Fanuc RCS) on Spot operations in the robot tasks to be simulated. (See RRS Controller-Specific Attributes/Properties.) These attributes are discussed in more detail below.

The following controller-specific attributes must be set, in the order shown below for structure attributes, on robot operations/activities to which they apply in the robot's program (see Setting Controller-Specific Attributes for more details) in order to modify the default values for these parameters inside the RCS.

Attribute NameAttribute TypeCorresponding Fanuc RJ3 RCS Parameter
_servo_spot_schedule\srvgun_eq_wld Integer In V6 (only V6.31 and up) RCS, maps to RCSFR_SRVGN_EQ_WLD_C or the "v" in SPOT[ EQ = v, P = x, S=(y1,y2), EQ = v2, BU = z ]
_servo_spot_schedule\srvgun_eq_aftwld Integer In V6 (only V6.31 and up) RCS, maps to RCSFR_SRVGN_EQ_AFTWLD_C or the "v2" in SPOT[ EQ = v, P = x, S=(y1,y2), EQ = v2, BU = z ]
_servo_spot_schedule\srvgun_wldsch_gn1 Integer In V6 (only V6.31 and up) RCS, maps to RCSFR_SRVGN_WLDSCH_GN1_C or the "y1" in SPOT[ EQ = v, P = x, S=(y1,y2), EQ = v2, BU = z ]
_servo_spot_schedule\srvgun_wldsch_gn2 Integer In V6 (only V6.31 and up) RCS, maps to RCSFR_SRVGN_WLDSCH_GN2_C or the "y2" in SPOT[ EQ = v, P = x, S=(y1,y2), EQ = v2, BU = z ]
_servo_spot_schedule\srvgun_prs Integer In V6 (only V6.31 and up) RCS, maps to RCSFR_SRVGN_PRS_C or the "x" in SPOT[ EQ = v, P = x, S=(y1,y2), EQ = v2, BU = z ]
_servo_spot_schedule\srvgun_bu Integer In V6 (only V6.31 and up) RCS, maps to RCSFR_SRVGN_BU_C or the "z" in SPOT[ EQ = v, P = x, S=(y1,y2), EQ = v2, BU = z ]
_v7_servo_spot_schedule\gn1_start_dist_sch Integer In V7 and up RCS maps to sd1 parameter in SPOT[SD=(sd1,sd2),P=(p1,p2),S=(s1,s2),ED=(ed1,ed2)]
_v7_servo_spot_schedule\gn2_start_dist_sch Integer In V7 and up RCS maps to sd2 parameter in SPOT[SD=(sd1,sd2),P=(p1,p2),S=(s1,s2),ED=(ed1,ed2)]
_v7_servo_spot_schedule\gn1_pressure_sch Integer In V7 and up RCS maps to p1 parameter in SPOT[SD=(sd1,sd2),P=(p1,p2),S=(s1,s2),ED=(ed1,ed2)]
_v7_servo_spot_schedule\gn2_pressure_sch Integer In V7 and up RCS maps to p2 parameter in SPOT[SD=(sd1,sd2),P=(p1,p2),S=(s1,s2),ED=(ed1,ed2)]
_v7_servo_spot_schedule\gn1_weld_sch Integer In V7 and up RCS maps to s1 parameter in SPOT[SD=(sd1,sd2),P=(p1,p2),S=(s1,s2),ED=(ed1,ed2)]
_v7_servo_spot_schedule\gn2_weld_sch Integer In V7 and up RCS maps to s2 parameter in SPOT[SD=(sd1,sd2),P=(p1,p2),S=(s1,s2),ED=(ed1,ed2)]
_v7_servo_spot_schedule\gn1_end_dist_sch Integer In V7 and up RCS maps to ed1 parameter in SPOT[SD=(sd1,sd2),P=(p1,p2),S=(s1,s2),ED=(ed1,ed2)]
_v7_servo_spot_schedule\gn2_end_dist_sch Integer In V7 and up RCS maps to ed2 parameter in SPOT[SD=(sd1,sd2),P=(p1,p2),S=(s1,s2),ED=(ed1,ed2)]
_do_spot_weld Integer Set to "1" for a SPOT move and to "0" for a non-SPOT/regular move
_weld_duration Double RCS Weld time delay expressed in milliseconds. Maps to V6.31 and up RCS's $SPOTCONFIG.$SIM_WDUR parameter.
_srvgn1_setup\rbtclosdir Integer Robot's weld point approach direction relative to the Tool frame. Maps to V6.31 and up RCS's $SGGUN1.$SETUP.$RBTCLOSDIR parameter. Can take on the following values:
1 for X+ approach 
2 for X- approach 
3 for Y+ approach 
4 for Y- approach 
5 for Z+ approach 
6 for Z- approach 
7 for Fixed
_srvgn1_setup\tipclosdir Integer If gun tip closes when the guns axis value increases
_final_target Integer Needed only for Spot simulations. Should be initialized with the value "0" and then set to "1" for the very last move activity in the robot's process model.
_ori_speed Double Maps to Orientation Speed in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (deg/sec; -1 and up, where -1 means no update and the continued use of the current value/RCS default)
_ori_speed_for_moveDoubleNon-modal version of _ori_speed (i.e. the current value does not carry over to the next move)
_corner_spd Double Maps to Corner Speed in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (0 to 200 and -1, where -1 means no update and the continued use of the current value/RCS default)
_override_spd Double Maps to Override Speed in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (0 to 100%)
_rcs_time Double Maps to RCS Time in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (sec)
_pth_option Integer Maps to PTH in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (0 for False and 1 for True)
_acc_option Integer Maps to ACC in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (0 to 100% and -1, where -1 means no update and the continued use of the current value/RCS default)
_acc_option_for_moveDoubleNon-modal version of _acc_option (i.e. the current value does not carry over to the next move)
_ev_mode Integer Maps to EV Mode in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS. Must be 0 for ALL_JOINTS_SAME, 1 for SIMULTANEOUS and 2 for INDEPENDENT.
_ev_speed Double Maps to EV Speed in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (0 to 100%)
_payload_schedule Integer Maps to Payload Schedule in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (1 and up)
_payload Double Maps to Payload in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (kg; 0 and up, -1 for no update and the continued use of the current value/RCS default)
_payload_cog\xDoubleMaps to Payload COG X in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (cm)
_payload_cog\yDoubleMaps to Payload COG Y in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (cm)
_payload_cog\z Double Maps to Payload COG Z in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (cm)
_payload_cog\not_used Double Dummy; Not Used (Put value = 0)
_payload_inertia\ix Double Maps to Payload Inertia X in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (kg*cm^2)
_payload_inertia\iyDouble Maps to Payload Inertia Y in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (kg*cm^2)
_payload_inertia\iz Double Maps to Payload Inertia Z in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (kg*cm^2)
_payload_inertia\not_used Double Dummy; Not Used (Put value = 0)
_encoder_setup\enc_axis Integer $SCR.$enc_axis[1]
_encoder_setup\enc_type Integer $SCR.$enc_type[1] (0 ' Incremental, 1' Absolute)
_encoder_setup\enc_enable Integer $ENC_STAT[1].$enc_enable (0 ' Off, 1 ' On)
_encoder_setup\enc_multipl Integer $ENC_STAT[1].$enc_multipl (1-100)
_encoder_setup\enc_average Integer $ENC_STAT[1].$enc_average (1-100)
_encoder_setup\enc_thresh Integer $ENC_STAT[1].$enc_thresh (>=0)
_encoder_setup\trig_value Integer $LNSCH[1].$trig_value
_tracking_setup\trk_grp_num Integer $LNSCH[1].$trk_grp_num
_tracking_setup\trk_type Integer $LNSCH[1].$trk_type (0' Line, 1' Rail)
_tracking_setup\trk_frame_x Double X component of $LNSCH[1].$trk_frame (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38)
_tracking_setup\trk_frame_y Double Y component of $LNSCH[1].$trk_frame (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38)
_tracking_setup\trk_frame_z Double Z component of $LNSCH[1].$trk_frame (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38)
_tracking_setup\trk_frame_w Double Yaw component of $LNSCH[1].$trk_frame (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38)
_tracking_setup\trk_frame_p Double Pitch component of $LNSCH[1].$trk_frame (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38)
_tracking_setup\trk_frame_r Double Roll component of $LNSCH[1].$trk_frame (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38)
_tracking_setup\trk_axs_num Integer $LNSCH[1].$trk_axs_num (0-3)
_tracking_setup\trk_axs_dir Integer $LNSCH[1].$trk_axs_dir (0' Negative, 1' Positive)
_tracking_setup\trk_enc_num Integer $LNSCH[1].$trk_enc_num (1-2)
_tracking_setup\scale Double $LNSCH[1].$scale (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38)
_tracking_setup\teach_dist Integer $LNSCH[1].$teach_dist
_tracking_setup\bound1 Double $LNSCH[1].$bound1[1] (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38)
_tracking_setup\bound2 Double $LNSCH[1].$bound2[1] (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38)
_tracking_setup\tcp_xtrm Double $LNSCH[1].$tcp_xtrm (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38)

Please refer to the Fanuc RJ3 RCS documentation for details on the above parameters.

The _servo_spot_schedule parameter group is used to specify the various schedule numbers associated with Fanuc SPOT command attributes in V6 (only V6.31 and up) RCS. If this parameter group is not defined, by default, schedule number 1 will be used for all SPOT command attributes. Note that you must define either all or none of the parameters making up this parameter group.

The _v7_servo_spot_schedule parameter group is used to specify the various schedule numbers associated with Fanuc SPOT command attributes in V7 and up RCS. If this parameter group is not defined, by default, schedule number 1 will be used for all SPOT command attributes. Note that you must define either all or none of the parameters making up this parameter group.

The _srvgn1_setup parameter allows users to modify the default robot weld point approach and gun tip close direction parameters for servo gun1. There is also a similar _srvgn2_setup parameter for servo gun2.

The _final_target when set to 1 causes the RCS module to empty out of its target buffer.

LIMITATION: Conveyor tracking is not currently supported.