_servo_spot_schedule\srvgun_eq_wld | Integer | In V6 (only V6.31 and up) RCS, maps to RCSFR_SRVGN_EQ_WLD_C or the "v" in SPOT[ EQ = v, P = x, S=(y1,y2), EQ = v2, BU = z ] |
_servo_spot_schedule\srvgun_eq_aftwld | Integer | In V6 (only V6.31 and up) RCS, maps to RCSFR_SRVGN_EQ_AFTWLD_C or the "v2" in SPOT[ EQ = v, P = x, S=(y1,y2), EQ = v2, BU = z ] |
_servo_spot_schedule\srvgun_wldsch_gn1 | Integer | In V6 (only V6.31 and up) RCS, maps to RCSFR_SRVGN_WLDSCH_GN1_C or the "y1" in SPOT[ EQ = v, P = x, S=(y1,y2), EQ = v2, BU = z ] |
_servo_spot_schedule\srvgun_wldsch_gn2 | Integer | In V6 (only V6.31 and up) RCS, maps to RCSFR_SRVGN_WLDSCH_GN2_C or the "y2" in SPOT[ EQ = v, P = x, S=(y1,y2), EQ = v2, BU = z ] |
_servo_spot_schedule\srvgun_prs | Integer | In V6 (only V6.31 and up) RCS, maps to RCSFR_SRVGN_PRS_C or the "x" in SPOT[ EQ = v, P = x, S=(y1,y2), EQ = v2, BU = z ] |
_servo_spot_schedule\srvgun_bu | Integer | In V6 (only V6.31 and up) RCS, maps to RCSFR_SRVGN_BU_C or the "z" in SPOT[ EQ = v, P = x, S=(y1,y2), EQ = v2, BU = z ] |
_v7_servo_spot_schedule\gn1_start_dist_sch | Integer | In V7 and up RCS maps to sd1 parameter in SPOT[SD=(sd1,sd2),P=(p1,p2),S=(s1,s2),ED=(ed1,ed2)] |
_v7_servo_spot_schedule\gn2_start_dist_sch | Integer | In V7 and up RCS maps to sd2 parameter in SPOT[SD=(sd1,sd2),P=(p1,p2),S=(s1,s2),ED=(ed1,ed2)] |
_v7_servo_spot_schedule\gn1_pressure_sch | Integer | In V7 and up RCS maps to p1 parameter in SPOT[SD=(sd1,sd2),P=(p1,p2),S=(s1,s2),ED=(ed1,ed2)] |
_v7_servo_spot_schedule\gn2_pressure_sch | Integer | In V7 and up RCS maps to p2 parameter in SPOT[SD=(sd1,sd2),P=(p1,p2),S=(s1,s2),ED=(ed1,ed2)] |
_v7_servo_spot_schedule\gn1_weld_sch | Integer | In V7 and up RCS maps to s1 parameter in SPOT[SD=(sd1,sd2),P=(p1,p2),S=(s1,s2),ED=(ed1,ed2)] |
_v7_servo_spot_schedule\gn2_weld_sch | Integer | In V7 and up RCS maps to s2 parameter in SPOT[SD=(sd1,sd2),P=(p1,p2),S=(s1,s2),ED=(ed1,ed2)] |
_v7_servo_spot_schedule\gn1_end_dist_sch | Integer | In V7 and up RCS maps to ed1 parameter in SPOT[SD=(sd1,sd2),P=(p1,p2),S=(s1,s2),ED=(ed1,ed2)] |
_v7_servo_spot_schedule\gn2_end_dist_sch | Integer | In V7 and up RCS maps to ed2 parameter in SPOT[SD=(sd1,sd2),P=(p1,p2),S=(s1,s2),ED=(ed1,ed2)] |
_do_spot_weld | Integer | Set to "1" for a SPOT move and to "0" for a non-SPOT/regular move |
_weld_duration | Double | RCS Weld time delay expressed in milliseconds. Maps to V6.31 and up RCS's $SPOTCONFIG.$SIM_WDUR parameter. |
_srvgn1_setup\rbtclosdir | Integer | Robot's weld point approach direction relative to the Tool frame. Maps to V6.31 and up RCS's $SGGUN1.$SETUP.$RBTCLOSDIR parameter. Can take on the following values: 1 for X+ approach
2 for X- approach
3 for Y+ approach
4 for Y- approach
5 for Z+ approach
6 for Z- approach
7 for Fixed |
_srvgn1_setup\tipclosdir | Integer | If gun tip closes when the guns axis value increases |
_final_target | Integer | Needed only for Spot simulations. Should be initialized with the value "0" and then set to "1" for the very last move activity in the robot's process model. |
_ori_speed | Double | Maps to Orientation Speed in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (deg/sec; -1 and up, where -1 means no update and the continued use of the current value/RCS default) |
_ori_speed_for_move | Double | Non-modal version of _ori_speed (i.e. the current value does not carry over to the next move) |
_corner_spd | Double | Maps to Corner Speed in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (0 to 200 and -1, where -1 means no update and the continued use of the current value/RCS default) |
_override_spd | Double | Maps to Override Speed in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (0 to 100%) |
_rcs_time | Double | Maps to RCS Time in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (sec) |
_pth_option | Integer | Maps to PTH in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (0 for False and 1 for True) |
_acc_option | Integer | Maps to ACC in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (0 to 100% and -1, where -1 means no update and the continued use of the current value/RCS default) |
_acc_option_for_move | Double | Non-modal version of _acc_option (i.e. the current value does not carry over to the next move) |
_ev_mode | Integer | Maps to EV Mode in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS. Must be 0 for ALL_JOINTS_SAME, 1 for SIMULTANEOUS and 2 for INDEPENDENT. |
_ev_speed | Double | Maps to EV Speed in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (0 to 100%) |
_payload_schedule | Integer | Maps to Payload Schedule in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (1 and up) |
_payload | Double | Maps to Payload in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (kg; 0 and up, -1 for no update and the continued use of the current value/RCS default) |
_payload_cog\x | Double | Maps to Payload COG X in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (cm) |
_payload_cog\y | Double | Maps to Payload COG Y in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (cm) |
_payload_cog\z | Double | Maps to Payload COG Z in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (cm) |
_payload_cog\not_used | Double | Dummy; Not Used (Put value = 0) |
_payload_inertia\ix | Double | Maps to Payload Inertia X in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (kg*cm^2) |
_payload_inertia\iy | Double | Maps to Payload Inertia Y in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (kg*cm^2) |
_payload_inertia\iz | Double | Maps to Payload Inertia Z in the Fanuc RJ3 RCS (kg*cm^2) |
_payload_inertia\not_used | Double | Dummy; Not Used (Put value = 0) |
_encoder_setup\enc_axis | Integer | $SCR.$enc_axis[1] |
_encoder_setup\enc_type | Integer | $SCR.$enc_type[1] (0 ' Incremental, 1' Absolute) |
_encoder_setup\enc_enable | Integer | $ENC_STAT[1].$enc_enable (0 ' Off, 1 ' On) |
_encoder_setup\enc_multipl | Integer | $ENC_STAT[1].$enc_multipl (1-100) |
_encoder_setup\enc_average | Integer | $ENC_STAT[1].$enc_average (1-100) |
_encoder_setup\enc_thresh | Integer | $ENC_STAT[1].$enc_thresh (>=0) |
_encoder_setup\trig_value | Integer | $LNSCH[1].$trig_value |
_tracking_setup\trk_grp_num | Integer | $LNSCH[1].$trk_grp_num |
_tracking_setup\trk_type | Integer | $LNSCH[1].$trk_type (0' Line, 1' Rail) |
_tracking_setup\trk_frame_x | Double | X component of $LNSCH[1].$trk_frame (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38) |
_tracking_setup\trk_frame_y | Double | Y component of $LNSCH[1].$trk_frame (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38) |
_tracking_setup\trk_frame_z | Double | Z component of $LNSCH[1].$trk_frame (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38) |
_tracking_setup\trk_frame_w | Double | Yaw component of $LNSCH[1].$trk_frame (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38) |
_tracking_setup\trk_frame_p | Double | Pitch component of $LNSCH[1].$trk_frame (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38) |
_tracking_setup\trk_frame_r | Double | Roll component of $LNSCH[1].$trk_frame (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38) |
_tracking_setup\trk_axs_num | Integer | $LNSCH[1].$trk_axs_num (0-3) |
_tracking_setup\trk_axs_dir | Integer | $LNSCH[1].$trk_axs_dir (0' Negative, 1' Positive) |
_tracking_setup\trk_enc_num | Integer | $LNSCH[1].$trk_enc_num (1-2) |
_tracking_setup\scale | Double | $LNSCH[1].$scale (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38) |
_tracking_setup\teach_dist | Integer | $LNSCH[1].$teach_dist |
_tracking_setup\bound1 | Double | $LNSCH[1].$bound1[1] (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38) |
_tracking_setup\bound2 | Double | $LNSCH[1].$bound2[1] (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38) |
_tracking_setup\tcp_xtrm | Double | $LNSCH[1].$tcp_xtrm (-3.0e38 to 3.0e38) |