Before running RRS, copy the executables
rcssrv_NACHI_AW__1.XX and rcs_sub2 from the
Nachi RRS installation as well as the RRS license file obtained
from Nachi into the directory
<DELMIA_RRS_Top>/NACHI_AW__1.XX/bin, where
<DELMIA_RRS_Top> is the root directory used for
the DELMIA product RRS directory tree structure.
Ensure that the executable files rcssrv_NACHI_AW__1.XX
and rcs_sub2 in
<DELMIA_RRS_Top>/NACHI_AW__1.XX/bin have their
execution permission bits set properly.
- A new directory must be created under
<DELMIA_RRS_Top>/NACHI_AW__1.XX/data that matches
the Relative Robot Path entered during RRS Connect. If
this directory does not exist, the Nachi RRS connection will fail.