- Target Type
- Indicates the type of constraint to respect, where:
- Cartesian defines a position in space to reach at the end
of the motion.
- Tag defines a position from a tag object to reach at the
end of the motion.
- Joint defines a set of joint values that the mechanism
needs to reach at the end of the motion.
- Acvtive TagGroup
- Determines the current active tag group that new tags will be added to.
allows you to create a
new tag group.
- Tag Prefix
- Defines a default name for new tags. The name defined here is prepended to the tag
- Target Reference
- The reference for the target can be Absolute (as specified),
Relative (to the previous target), or
Offset (where an additional offset is applied to a specified
- Show Task 3D visualization
- Select to display arrows in the work area
that indicate the directional flow of motion.
Controller Profiles provides a list for each type of profile
(Tool, Motion,
Accuracy, Object) that can be set as
Each profile type provides an Edit
command to
define the properties of the currenty selected profile.
- Motion Type determines the type of motion to reach the target
(Joint Move, Linear Move,
Circular Move, Circular Via).
- Orientation Mode is enabled when Motion
Type is Linear Move or Circular
Move, and provides 1 Axis, 2
Axis, 3 Axis, and Wrist modes.
See About Motion Types for more information.
- Interpolation Mode determines the interpolation mode for the
- Posture provides a list of different postures available to reach
a given position in the work area.
- Command.x lists the turn numbers associated to the DOF of the
- Real time synchronization during navigation simulates all
previous instructions up to the current instruction to maintain the world in sync.
- Simulation verified authoring of motion activites forces the
simulation of newly inserted instructions.
- Ignore Instructions allows you to ignore some types of
instructions during simulation.
opens a panel that allows you to
select the instructions to ignore. Currently only Wait instructions are supported.
- Active State provides a list of defined simulation states,
allowing you to select the current one.
allows you to create
a new simulation state.
- Linked to Task allows you to select a task that the current
Active State will be linked to.