Using Set Turn Numbers

This procedure explains how to set turn numbers.

The default value for all turn numbers is 0. Set TurnNumber analyzes each operation and its target within a task and computes the turn number based on the shortest angle computation. In cases where the robot configuration is not an input or defined, turn numbers and configurations are computed for the minimum movements of joints.

Before you begin: To perform this procedure, you must have at least one robot that is set turn enabled and a robot task.
  1. Click Set TurnNumber .
  2. Select the robot or robot task whose set turn numbers you want to compute.
    The Set Turn Numbers dialog box appears.

    All operations are initially selected by default. You can elect to compute only the turn numbers for selected operations by using the LMB + Ctrl key to select the required operations. If you selected a robot, you can select the required robot task associated with the robot from the list next to Task.

  3. Select the Set Config check box.
    This option calculates configurations and turn numbers based on the shortest angle computation. Configurations and turn numbers are calculated for any operations that do not have them input or defined.
  4. Click Set.
    The calculations are performed and any alterations in the configurations or turn numbers appears in the Task Table area. The robot movement is also simulated. The Step Size can be altered to speed up (when the step size is increased) or slow down the simulation.
  5. Select the Propagate Turn Number Changes check box.
    Because the Propagate Turn Number Changes option applies set turn number changes to all the operations with a given configuration, the highlighting for the operations is turned off.
  6. Select the column head over the turn number you want to change and then the turn number associated with one of the operations.
    The area becomes white and surrounded by a rectangle.
  7. Enter a different turn number, then click the cursor on an area within the Task Table, but not on the text just entered.
    All the operations' turn numbers under the selected column take the new value.
  8. To alter the turn values for a single operation, clear Propagate Turn Number Changes or Set Config, alter a single value in the Task Table, and click Set.
  9. When all turn number and configuration calculations are done, click Close.