Creating Swept Volumes

You can generate 3D representations of the volume occupied by the robots during the execution of the program.

Clash detection between a robot and other entities in the world can be determined using Clash during simulation, where clash detection is performed at discreet times based on a defined step size. Performing clash analysis between swept volumes, however, is easier and more efficient to simulate. The computed swept volume may also be used to view the volume that an object is actually covering during the simulation.

Upon creation, a swept volume appears in the tree as a user-defined resource. This allows for any further manipulation, such as the creation of attachments.

  1. From the Setup section of the action bar, click Create Swept Volume .
    The Robot task swept volume dialog box appears.
  2. Select tasks, or one or more resources that have tasks defined.
    Tasks appear in the Resource tasks list as they are selected.
  3. Optional: For each task in the Resource tasks list, click the colored swatch in the Color column.
    A panel appears that allows you to choose a specific swept volume color and transparency level for the selected task.

  4. Optional: Click [All parts selected] in the Filtered parts column for a task.
    The Swept Objects... dialog box appears, providing a list of objects that are considered during the generation of the swept volume. You can select/deselect objects as required and click OK to return to the Robot task swept volume dialog box.
  5. In the Robot task swept volume panel, click Volume computation options.
    Options for Filtering and Simplification appear, where:
    • Simulation step size can be increased for a less accurate swept volume that is generated more quickly. A lower value provides more accuracy, but requires more time to process.
    • Position precision can be selected to allow for the reduction of the number of pre-defined positions recorded in the simulation and to control the swept volume accuracy. When enabled, the value entered represents the definition of a minimum value for the deviation.
    • Wrapping grain creates an envelope around the selected parts based on the entered value.
  6. Click OK.
    New 3D shapes are created representing the resulting swept volumes.