Hinge parametersThese parameters allow for the definition of a hinge, where the door (moving part) is attached to the car frame (fixed part).
Contact parametersContact location establishes a point in which the robot starts opening the car door. Since the door revolves around the fixed axis in space, a certain level of tolerance can to be taken into account in order to allow the door to follow the robot TCP continuously. These parameters allow for definition of an initial (grab) point of contact between the robot that opens the door and the door itself.
Joint valuesA temporary revolute door joint is created on the hinge that allows for door manipulation. The door joint can be limited in terms of minimum and maximum values. It can also be manipulated using the Jog panel. These parameters define the contraints of the door joint limits, and allow you to define what the door joint zero position is and how much it can open with respect to the specified zero position.