You can export IOs defined on a resource to an external file.
In 3D Simulation, right-click on a resource in the Sequencing side tab.
The context menu appears.
Select Export Resource IO from the context menu.
The Export IO dialog box appears.
Use the dialog box to navigate to the folder where the file is to be saved.
Enter a File name for the file to be saved.
Select the file type to save
from the Save as type list.
Click Save.
The file is created and saved at the specified location.
The IO information is stored in the following format:
Resource: SF200_Product100493.1
Controller Type: NACHI AW
Name Direction Type Default Value Port Number
IO1 In Boolean true 023
IO2 Out Boolean false 234
IO3 Out Integer 1 245
IO4 In Double 2.0 450