Using User-defined Motions

You can create your own motion trajectory with user specified velocity and acceleration curves in the form of a time/displacement table.

The default DELMIA motion planner is based on a trapezoidal velocity profile for each motion segment. The velocity profile of the planner defines the change in velocity and acceleration as a device moves from one point to the next.

For some applications, it is beneficial to avoid the default motion planner and instead provide a hard-coded motion profile. For these instances, interpolated points can be taken from the velocity profile curves and used as an input to the motion planning.

Note: This functionality is provided only for forward kinematic devices. It is not valid for inverse kinematic devices or robot tasks.

  1. Within the Teach environment, click Insert an SPM Operation in the context toolbar to insert an SPM operation.
    An SPM operation appears in the Teach panel, and three additional options become available when the SPM operation is selected:
    • Export Process Points
    • Import Process Points
    • Display Motion Curves
  2. Using Teach, define process points inside the SPM operation.
    By default, all process points under the SPM operation are marked as user-defined motions.
  3. Click Export Process Points if you wish to save the process points to a Microsoft Excel worksheet.
  4. Click Import Process Points if you wish to import process points from a Microsoft Excel worksheet that have previously been exported.
  5. Click Display Motion Curves .

    The Motion Curves dialog box appears, and graphically plots the displacement, velocity and acceleration curves.

    The Input Controls section allows you to select the Device and Joint/DOF of the selected device.

    The Display Options section allows you to selectively display Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration curves.

  6. Right-click on the chart.
    A context menu appears that provides the following functionalities:
    • Plot Options allow you to customize the appearance of the plot, and provides options to synchronize and show X axes.
    • Chart Options allows you to customize the appearance of the chart that the plot appears on.
    • Axis Options allows you to define the scale and apperance of the X and Y axes.
    • Curve Options allows you to define curve attributes.
    • View provides a submenu with additional commands for forcing the display to fit all of the curves that are available (Fit All In) and activating a cursor that you can drag along the X axis to find curve points (Cursor Along X Axis).
    • Edit provides a submenu that allows you to add additional charts and curves.
    • Print Plot displays the Print dialog box to print the current plot.