Exporting a tag group
You can export an existing tag group and save it as an external XLS file.
Right-click on a tag group in the Behavior side tab.
The context menu appears.
Select Export Trajectory.
The Export Trajectory file selection dialog box appears.
Navigate to the folder where you wish to save the file and click Save.
The tag group is saved as a Microsoft Excel (XLS) file in the following format:
TagGroup Name: TagGroup.2 Tag Prefix Tag Index Tag Suffix X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) Yaw(deg) Pitch(deg) Roll(deg) Tag 1 -830.778 854.797 1535.6 -2.44E-06 0.828219 0.719533 Tag 2 -2196.86 1485.68 1535.6 -2.44E-06 0.828219 1.54811 Tag 3 -666.418 639.16 1535.6 -2.44E-06 0.828219 0.574339 Tag 4 -1771.23 -1993.59 1357.43 -2.44E-06 0.828225 -1.29746 Tag 5 634.012 -1448.29 210.296 -2.44E-06 0.828225 -0.35861 Tag 6 -966.6 715.269 1357.43 -2.44E-06 0.828225 0.710321 Tag 7 -3831.77 110.358 1357.43 -2.44E-06 0.828225 2.83774 Tag 8 286.617 773.228 1385 1.09E-06 -0.52105 -0.25486 Tag 9 2280.33 -1496.06 1385 1.09E-06 -0.52105 1.699 Tag 10 843.994 1678.24 1385 1.09E-06 -0.52105 -0.8467 Tag 11 536.747 -871.402 1152.94 -1.57E-05 -0.52106 1.15952