How It Works
Product Simplification and Merging retrieves the list of product instances that are children of the selected product, and that are entirely or partially visible from the outside, from the database. The retrieved products are tessellated and placed into one single representation, which is visualized as the final result. This representation contains no intellectual properties but keeps the color and graphic properties of the input products.
You can:
- Open any product of an assembly, with or without its representations.
- Select any product of an assembly from the tree, at any level, root or not. Only the selected node and the elements it contains are processed, enabling you to create a new Product from only a portion of the initial Product.
- Product Simplification and Merging processes products as they have been saved, not as they appear in the interactive session. If you have opened and modified products in an interactive session before starting Product Simplification and Merging, your modifications are not taken into account in the simplification.
- Opening a visible product without its representations avoids loading the geometry and saves time.
- Only the reference of the selected node is taken into account:
- The positions of the geometries, the visibility and the colors that are transferred, are those of the reference.
- If the node you have selected is an instance, Product Simplification and Merging ignores the overloaded properties of the instance and takes the initial properties of the reference into account.
- Colors defined at the product structure level (colors applied on instances) are not taken into account. Only colors defined at the level of representations are transferred.
- Show/NoShow properties defined at the product structure level are not taken into account. Instances of the product structure that are in NoShow are transferred and are put in the Show space.
- The Mechanical Behavior Flexibility of assemblies is not taken into account. Assemblies are transferred as not flexible.
For example, this initial product with flexibility and overloaded
is simplified into:
Only a CGR view is kept. When relevant, all the products that existed and were invisible from outside are removed.
Depending on the complexity of the assembly and on the value of the Accuracy parameter, some small elements may be left out during the simplification process. This does not affect the result, since it aims at providing a global shape of the assembly, not at retrieving all the details.