Identification of Bodies and Geometrical Sets Generated by Product Filtering and Merging
Generated Bodies and Geometrical Sets are named using a string of characters.
By default, the name of Bodies and Geometrical Sets is made of a string of characters that contains:
- Instance Numbers of all the original parents.
- Identifier, Major Version, Maturity, and Functional Intent Code (separated by underscores) of the original 3D Representation.
- Instance Identifier of the original 3D Representation.
Alternatively, you can use the Business Logic DF1_BodyIdentification with the following inputs:
- Parameter named Occurrence, that is the product occurrence of the Body and Geometrical Set to copy.
- A Boolean parameter named AttachBodyName to attach (or not) the name of the original Body at the end of the name generated from Occurrence.
The output is a parameter named BodyIdentification, made of a string of characters.