About Identifications in Engineering IP Control

Below is some information about identification in Engineering IP Control.

This page discusses:

Identification of Bodies and Geometrical Sets Generated by Product Filtering and Merging

Generated Bodies and Geometrical Sets are named using a string of characters.

By default, the name of Bodies and Geometrical Sets is made of a string of characters that contains:

  • Instance Numbers of all the original parents.
  • Identifier, Major Version, Maturity, and Functional Intent Code (separated by underscores) of the original 3D Representation.
  • Instance Identifier of the original 3D Representation.

Alternatively, you can use the Business Logic DF1_BodyIdentification with the following inputs:

  • Parameter named Occurrence, that is the product occurrence of the Body and Geometrical Set to copy.
  • A Boolean parameter named AttachBodyName to attach (or not) the name of the original Body at the end of the name generated from Occurrence.

The output is a parameter named BodyIdentification, made of a string of characters.

Identification of the Output Products

Each result product created by Engineering IP Control must be identified by a unique name to allow save and search. This is achieved by an attributes initialization as follows.

When you start a command in Engineering IP Control, the dialog box that opens displays the name of the selected node. An editable identification string is proposed on the right of that name. The name of the result products is obtained by the combining the node name and the identification string.

  • If the name of the result product is not unique, Save is impossible: Define several identification strings if you want to perform several filterings from the same original product.
  • Any attribute modified by the attributes initialization overwrites that transferred from the original object: If the attributes initialization copies more attributes than the identification string (for example for cloning purpose), these additional attributes appear even if Keep attributes is not selected.

Engineering IP Control uses:

  • The OperationId Cloning to create the references (all commands), and the representation references (Product Filtering only). The corresponding identification string is IdCloningString.
  • The OperationId New to create the unique representation reference for Product Filtering and Merging and Product Simplification and Merging. The corresponding identification string is IdString.
  • The Identification string given in Me > Preferences > Content Access > Identification under Creation Preferences can be retrieved in the string IdString. It is used by default for the Cloning operation when the string IdCloningString is empty.

Particular case (Product Filtering and Merging and Product Simplification and Merging):
When the input Product custom type is defined with a metadata containing the property <Property Name = "3DPartAvailability" Value = "ReferenceOnly"/>, the creation of a 3DPart of this type is forbidden. If you choose to create a 3DPart, a warning message is displayed and the resulting 3DPart is created using the OperationId New instead of Cloning.

See Attributes Initialization (PLMIdentificationInitialization) in the Data Setup User's Guide for more information.