Modifying the Scope of an Extension

You can modify the scope of an extension to specify a new type the extension is applied to. The scope corresponds to the types that can be applied to the extension. The scope comprises all public types and relations including specialized types.

Note: When you modify the scope of an extension, the new selection overrides the existing scope.

Before you begin: You must have created an extension.
See Also
Creating and Deleting a Deployment Extension
  1. In the Extensions tab, click Scopes in the lower part of the window.
  2. Click Modify Scopes .
  3. In the Types List window, select the check box next to the type name extended by the extension, and click Submit.
    • Name indicates the extension name.
    • Owner Package indicates the name of the package containing the extension.
    • Deployed shows the deployment status of the extension (yes, no, or partial).
    • Comment displays the comment if any.