Compiling a Movie

You can compile a movie, which captures the step size of the simulation so that the simulation can be played in real time. That is, the replay time of the movie equals the cycle time of the entire process that is simulated. You can also capture still images of each step. The movie or still images are saved as discrete files on your computer.

A movie can also be referred to as a video. Movies or videos can be played in external viewers, unlike an animation, which can only be played using Play in the Compass.

Before you begin: Open content in a PPR context or a manufacturing simulation.
See Also
Compiling an Animation
Simulation Options Dialog Box
  1. Click Simulation Options .
    The Simulation Options dialog box opens.
  2. In the Simulation Options dialog box, click Animation , and select the Record Movie check box.
  3. Click Compile Movie Setup .
    The Compile Movie dialog box appears.
  4. Select Still Image Capture, and click OK.

    Note: By default, VFW Codec, which creates an avi video, is selected. To create a video, you do not need to modify the set up options.

  5. Click Play on the Compass.
    The Experience Player appears.
  6. On the Experience Player, click Play .
    Once the experience is recorded as a movie object, the Compile Movie dialog box appears.
  7. Click File to move to the directory on your computer where you want to store the movie.
  8. Click OK.
    The movie object is saved in the specified directory.

Notes: The Animation options are reset once the movie is compiled.

The codec options are based on the codecs installed on your computer. No codecs are provided with the software.