What's New

This section describes the new and enhanced functionality in 3D Simulation and other products that support manufacturing simulation apps.

New Functionality

Swap Geometry Visibility - R2021x FD06 (FP.2116)
You can now hide or show part features without impacting the design model using the Swap Geometry Visibility command in the Action Pad, action bar, or status bar while in the Live Simulation environment.
Select one or more part features from the list in the Swap Geometry Visibility dialog box and click Swap Visibility.
Exiting Live Simulation will restore the visibility status of all elements, which is equivalent of clicking Restore Defaults. However, the status is restored when re-entering the Live Simulation environment.
Plant Layout Markers - R2021x FD05 (FP.2108)
The Manage Marker command allows you to:
  • Define and constrain marker elements.
  • Set a pattern on markers or marker elements.
  • Search for items inside markers.
  • Measure support for marker elements.
Accessing the 3DView List from the Product Build-Up Options Panel - R2021x FD03 (FP.2042)
You can now access the 3DView List panel from the Product Build-Up Options panel.
To support this, a two-state command is added to the Product Build-Up Options panel:
  • To open the 3DView List panel, click Activate List Panel .
  • To close the 3DView List panel, click Deactivate List Panel .
For more information, see Simulation > Digital Manufacturing Apps Common Services > Common Services for Manufacturing Simulation Apps > Reference Information > 3D Simulation Dialog Boxes and Panels > Product Build-Up Options Panel.
Defining a Fault Monitor on a Specific Resource
You can use the fault monitor to track this resource for any faults that may occur during a simulation run. It displays fault information that occurs during the simulation. You can jump to the time the monitor detected a specific fault, investigate the cause of the fault, and resolve any issues. In addition, you can export text about the detected faults to an external file.
The Fault Monitor command is on the Analysis and Output section of the action bar.

Enhanced Functionality

Port Management Enhancements - R2021x FD06 (FP.2116)
The following commands have been replaced by the new, comprehensive Resource Ports command in the Resource Creation section of the action bar:
  • Mechanical Port
  • Define Tool Mount Point
  • Define Workpice Mount Point
  • Define Head Mount Point
  • Define Head Base Point
Selecting a resource or a resource port andthen clicking Resource Ports displays the Resource port dialog box. Selecting an item from the list displays its properties, which you can edit directly in the dialog box.
You can also add or remove ports using the Add and Remove commands.
Live Simulation User Experience Improvements - R2021x FD06 (FP.2116)
The following UX enhancements are now available:
  • New Me > Preferences option in the 3D Simulation section allows you to specify which background color to apply inside Live Simulation environment (with Basic ambience only).
  • Enter 3D Simulation and Exit 3D Simulation commands were moved to the StandarD section of the action bar for easier access.
  • Commands in the Action Pad are grayed-out if they are unavailble, depending on if the Live Simulation environment is active or not.
Fault Monitor Enhancements - R2021x FD05 (FP.2108)
The Fault Monitor now allows for MSR integration and persistency. At the same time, it provides automation APIs (EKL) to support the generation of a matrix of scenarios, each with a separate state for the given workpiece and with a fault monitor probe for the analyzed robot.
Assign Task Usability Improvements - R2021x FD05 (FP.2108)
A new contextual command Assign/Unassign Task to Operation is available on Robot and Human tasks. This command replaces Link Task to Task Specification Activity and is more intuitive and user friendly.
Cable Simulation for NC Machines - R2021x FD02 (FP.2032)
You can now create dynamic cables for industrial robots or NC machines.
Select Dynamic under Cable Type in the Kinematics Cable dialog box.
Controller Attributes Panel - R2021x FD01 (FP.2024)
The user interface for the Controller Attributes panel has been updated.
The new user interface provides a global view of all existing profiles and the main attributes. You can now edit tool, motion, accuracy, object frame and applicative profiles directly in the panel.

Customizing Preferences

Application Escapes Options Added
In some scenarios, users want to escape the expected behavior of state creation or modification. By setting this option, you can use CATRules to create scripts that free you from the normal behavior.