In the Source area, select the file
Format from the list .
The batch import supports all these formats.
In the
Source box, choose whether a single file
(File on disk) or all the files from a directory are to
be imported (Directory on disk).
Choose the
Location and
Filename of the file to be imported.
You can select:
- A single file by clicking
File on disk.
- Several files by clicking Directory on disk and all the clouds of
points of this directory will be imported. The directory can contain
files with different source Coordinate Reference System (CRS:
coordinate system in which the points are defined. CRS must be a
cartesian projection system).
In the
Target area, if the
Context (level in which the point cloud will
be inserted) is not displayed, select it.
To manage geolocation in destination structure, in the
Referential box do either of the following:
- Select Local: The Part in which the import is
done is not geolocated. Then define the length Unit
(meter, kilometer, etc.) in which the data are stored in the file.
- Select the Coordinates Reference System (coordinate types) in which
source data are expressed, from the list of the CRS saved in the database.
It is automatically chosen when defined in the source file.
- Optional:
to display
the CRS information.
Save your product.
To update a point cloud, relaunch the Import command in the context that
already contains the PLM representation.