Opening and Editing Large Clouds of Points

You can retrieve a huge cloud of points and edit the properties of its representation.

  1. Select the content you want to open from the Search results.
  2. Click Open Advanced... in the action bar.
    Tip: You can also
    • Press Ctrl+Shift+O.
    • Or, right-click the object then select Open With > Open Advanced....

    The Open Advanced command is necessary to:

    • Retrieve all the children of the selected object.
    • See the selected object with its 3D Shape representations and its 3D Parts.

  3. In the Open Advanced dialog box, select the With all representations option to be applied.
    All representations (the representation reference for point cloud) are loaded.
  4. To edit the properties of the representation reference for point cloud, right-click it and select Properties.

    Clicking the More button displays additional options. A Large Point Cloud tab appears.

    1. Select a Rendering effect in the list:
      • Original color: is the default option. It displays the cloud with its original color.
      • Hillshade: displays the point cloud as if it was illuminated from one side. The color is not visible.
      • Lidar classification: To use lidar files and display a certain type of points (for example, ground/building/vegetation points). Click to filter with classification types.
        • The Extract command applies to visible classifications.
        • Some lidar files do not contain classification.
    2. The Number of points is displayed.