n | n | n | Not available | Free | The extremity is free. |

y | n | n | Not available | Fixed
| The extremity is fixed, it is the scan extremity (this is the
option by default).

y | n | y | Not available
| Fixed on element
| If the element is a point, the extremity of the curve is this
point, not the scan extremity. |

| | | | | If the element is a curve, the curve extremity is the nearest
extremity of the constraining curve.

| | | | | If the element is a plane, the curve extremity is the point of the
plane nearest to the scan extremity.

y | y | n | Available
| Fixed and tangent
| The tangency direction is given by a vector going through the first
(or the last) two points of the scan.

y | y | y | Available
| Fixed and tangent on element
| The extremity is fixed and tangent to the constraining element.

n | n | y | Not available
| Free on element
| The extremity is free and depends on the element.

n | y | n | Available
| Free and tangent
| The extremity is free. The tangency direction is given by a vector
going through the first (or the last) two points of the scan.

n | y | y | Available
| Free and tangent on element
| The extremity is free and depends on the element. The tangency
direction is given by the element (plane or curve). |
