Curve on Mesh

The Curve on Mesh context toolbar appears when you select Curve on Mesh. The tables below list the most commonly used commands.

This page discusses:



Completes and validates the actions and closes the context toolbar. Once you have validated an action, it cannot be undone.


Closes the context toolbar without saving any of the changes.

Curve on Mesh

Point Continuity

Indicates or creates a point or G0 continuity.

See Creating a Curve on Mesh and About Curve on Mesh.

Tangent Continuity

Indicates or creates a tangent or G1 continuity.

See About Curve on Mesh.

Internal Point

Indicates or creates an internal point.

See About Curve on Mesh.

Invert Tangent

Inverts the tangent

Edit Tangent

Edits the tangent.

Remove Point

Removes the point.

Edit Distance

Allows you to specify a variety of parameters that affect the creation of the curve, including:

  • Tolerance: smooths the scan formed by the points picked and the intermediate points, that is, the maximum allowed distance between the resulting curve and the points of the scan.
  • Max. Order: Maximum order of the curves created, that is, the number of control points of those curves.
  • Max. Segments: Maximum number of spans between two cutting points.
  • Curve Optimization

    When selected, the Curve on Mesh command tries to create curves with the defined tolerance, with the least possible number of segments of the least possible order:

    • The command tries to create a curve with one segment of order 2.
    • If the tolerance is not yet reached, the number of segments is increased, the segments having the least possible order. This order is increased to meet the tolerance, then the number of segments, and so on, until both the maximum order and the maximum number of segments are reached.
    • If the tolerance is not reached, the order of the segment is increased up the Max. Order value.
    • According to the shape of the support mesh, clear this check box to improve performance during the creation of the curve. In this case, however, the command does not optimize the number of segments nor the order of the curve, meaning the maximum allowed values you have entered will be reached.
    • You can verify the segmentation and the order of the curves.

Display Statistics

Allows you to set a variety of display options, including:

  • Curvature Analysis: Analyzes the curvature of the resulting curves.
  • Maximum Deviation: Displays the maximum deviation.
  • Segmentation: Displays the order and the number of segments.
  • Hide curve preview

    By default, the running point mode is active, that is, the curve is updated in real time and the projection of the cursor on the mesh indicates the next pick. Selecting the Hide curve preview check box lets you exit the running point mode. The last picked end point is colored in red, and there is no indication of the next pick.

Open Curve

When creating the curve, you can end the curve without it being closed.

Close Curve

Click this command to create a closed curve.