Connecting Several Meshes

You can connect several meshes by remeshing them using the Constrained check box.

  1. On a part, create several meshes.

    See Creating a 2D Mesh or Creating a 3D Mesh.

    1. Activate one area and mesh it.
    2. Activate another area and mesh it with different values.
    3. Activate the remaining square of points, as shown below.

      The activation trap that does not overlap the previous meshes.

    4. Mesh this area with different values, and without selecting Constrained.
      The resulting mesh is independent from the other two.

  2. Select Constrained, and draw an activation trap that overlaps the previous meshes. Mesh it.

    • Constrained is used remesh a portion of a mesh by adding points, or a meshed cloud that has been unfiltered.
    • When computing a constrained mesh, type 0 as the Neighborhood value to verify the boundaries of the mesh. If the boundaries are not satisfactory, modify the mesh plane to improve them.
    • After the computation of a constrained mesh, two complementary mesh elements are visible in the tree: The constrained mesh and the initial mesh.
    • You can use Meshes Merge to obtain a single mesh.

    The resulting mesh is connected to the other two. Facets of the existing mesh that were totally or partially inside the trap have been removed and recomputed to adjust to the additional mesh.