Projecting Curves or Scans

You can project scans onto a cloud of points or a mesh.

  1. From the Wireframe section of the action bar, click Curve Projection .
  2. Select the projection type from the list.
    • Along a Direction. Select an element in the 3D area, or right-click Direction to create one.
    • Normal, that is normal to the support.
      Note: You cannot project a curve or a scan along the normal onto a cloud of points.
  3. Select the Projected elements (scan or curve).

    Multiselection is available.

  4. Select the Support of the projection (Mesh or cloud of points).
  5. When projecting a curve, specify a Sag value.

    The projected curve is discretized according to the sag value. Each discretization point is projected onto the mesh or onto the cloud of points, and is used to compute the output scan or curve. The smaller the sag value, the smoother the result.

  6. When the support is a cloud of points, specify the Working distance value.

    This is the distance taken into account around each projected point (point from the scan, or resulting from the discretization of the projected curve) to compute the output scan. A higher Working distance means more points in the output scan.

  7. When projecting a curve onto a mesh along a direction, decide to keep the Nearest solution or all the solutions.
  8. When projecting a scan onto a mesh along a direction, decide if the output scan needs to lie on the support or not.

    After the scan points are projected on the support:

    • If the Scan on support check box is selected, intermediate points are added to make sure the output scan lies on the support. For example, use this option when projecting a scan that defines a construction area on a final validated mesh.
    • If the Scan on support check box is cleared, the output scan is computed from the projected scan points. It does not necessarily lie on the support. For example, use this option when projecting a scan representing a characteristic line.
    Note: The scan projection must remain inside the selected support. Otherwise, the output ends at the last projected scan point, not at the boundary of the support.

  9. Select the Curve creation check box to create curves.

    Only the curvature comb (no curvature analysis dialog box) is displayed.

  • Scans are created under the name Curve Projection.x.
  • Curves are created under the name Curve.x.