Discretizing Curves

You can create a scan by sampling positions on a curve, according to the discretization mode you have selected.

  1. Define a geometrical set as the Define in Work Object.
  2. From the Wireframe section of the action bar, click Discretize Curves .
  3. Select the curve to process.

    • The input can be curves or edges of surfaces.
    • Multiselection is available.
    • is available to hide or show the selection.

  4. Select a discretization mode from the Mode list.

    • Chord
    • Length+Positions
    • Length+Increment
    • Parameter+Positions
    • Direction+Increment.

  5. Key-in the requested parameter values.
    1. Enter a Sag: Maximum distance between the input curve and the theoretical chord connecting two successive positions of the scan.

    2. Enter a Step: Maximum distance between two successive positions on the scan.

    3. Define Points: Number of positions N.

      The length of the curve is divided by (N-1), providing a constant curve-length or curve-parameter increment.

    4. Enter an Increment.

      • For Length+Increment, Increment represents the length increment on the curve.
      • For Direction+Increment, Increment represents the distance between two consecutive planes. Points are the result of the intersection of the planes with the curve.

    5. For Direction+Increment, enter the plane Direction.

      The origin of the reference plane is (0,0,0).

A Discretize Curves.x feature is created in the Define in Work Object. It is automatically updated when the input is modified.