Exporting Content

You can export an object (not necessarily a mesh) to be used by 3D printers.

For more information, see Exchange Management User's Guide: Exporting Content.

Note: Whereas STL format, 3MF and AMF formats all export the mesh geometry, AMF and 3MF formats can export color and other properties as well. The current release supports:
  • For AMF
    • Color on triangles (not on vertices).
    • Texture attributes, whatever their creation mode (material, image, mapping texture) but not stickers.
      Note: To export a texture image, you must export a product or a part, not a representation (3D shape).
  • For 3MF, color on triangles (not on vertices).
    Tip: To optimize the 3MF file size with multi-instances print, define the color at the product level.

Before you begin: Requires 3D Printing Preparation, or 3D Printing.
  1. Before exporting content, save all the content in session.

    Note: If you are working in offline mode, perform a local save on the content.

  2. Select Share > Export.
  3. In the dialog box, select the format:
    • 3MF (*.3mf): A zip file is created.
    • AMF (*.amf): An ASCII AMF file is created.
    • STL (*.stl): A STL file is created.
  4. Select the location where the files are created.
  5. Optional: Select the Save report check box and enter a name and location.