Converting a Mesh/Scan/Cloud of Points into a Polyhedral Feature
You can convert a Mesh/Scan/Cloud of Points into the target geometric representation,
that is a polyhedral feature.
There are minimized model transformations and the modeling interactions
are simplified since you remain in the same app (Civil Engineering 3D Design, Generative Shape Design, ...).
Before you begin: Verify that the mesh is clean because the
polyhedral feature creation requires a mesh without defects.
If the conversion to
polyhedral feature fails because the quality of the mesh is not sufficient, a message
explains the defect and eventually proposes that you repair the mesh in Mesh
To convert the mesh into a polyhedral feature, select the mesh.
The input is the current object:
Click Enable for Engineering 3D Design in the context menu.
The PartBody contains:
The mesh is colored as clay in the 3D area.
A new polyhedral feature Body from (name of themesh), with
the polyhedral mask displayed on it,
is created in the active set and displayed in gray.
As a mesh can be composite, that is composed of several cells, the result is also
composite. Here is the mapping between initial and resulting objects:
Initial data type
Conversion result
Cloud of points
Grid of points
Grid of points
Set of grids
Set of grids
Mesh and sub mesh are converted as a mesh. If a mesh is
split into several disconnected zones, each zone is converted.
is converted as a polyline. The conversion generates a very basic feature
from the geometry: A scan is converted in a wire of one edge if open or in a
wire of two edges if closed.
Set of scans
is converted in as many polylines it contains scans.
Additional information:
Multiselection is possible.
Only active/activated parts of the mesh are converted.
Neither color nor information on points or cells are converted.
The resulting polyhedral feature is aggregated by a Generative Shape Design feature datum.
The resulting polyhedral feature does not have specific tabs in its
Properties page such as:
Display modes
Some display modes such as bounding box highlight or LOD management (for
light visualization) are managed by the standard General > Display preferences.
If there is an update of the mesh data, you must convert this new mesh and use the
Replace command.
After conversion, you can use seamlessly continuous geometry or polyhedral feature in a
modeling app such
as Generative Shape Design.
For each app you use, verify the list of commands supporting
polyhedral features, if any.