You can select and remove elements from a cloud
of points or a mesh. The removed elements are those that appear in red during
Before you begin:
Remove takes into account triangles that are at
least partially selected
(at least one vertex has been picked, or the selection trap intersects the
The free edges of the mesh resulting from Remove are its actual free edges, not those of the initial mesh.
Optional: Under App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Digitized Shape > Digitized Shape Preparation in the General section, select the
Undo/Redo for in-place cloud edition
commands check box.
Optional: Protect characteristic lines from deletion.
From the Digitized Data section of the action bar, click Remove and select the cloud of points or the mesh.
On the context toolbar, define the elements to be removed.
Click Trap in
the context toolbar.
Click Rectangular.
Drag the cursor and click to draw a first rectangular trap on the cloud.
Click to validate the trap.
Repeat step 2 to draw as many traps as required.
Optional: Click Select all to select all the points or Swap to invert the selection.
Select all and Swap apply only to the current action.
The triangles that were inside the traps are removed.
Removed points are deleted and cannot be recalled.