Connect Command
This MQL command shows the syntax for connecting to a DSFA object.
connect businessobject BO_NAME vcfile
is the business object you are associating
with the vcfile.
is the string that identifies the path of folders
down to the last level filename of the vcfile relative to the path defined
in the store identifying the server.
is a means to identify the version of the
is a connect businessobject clause providing
information about the connection you are creating. The different clause
options are
config NAME
store NAME
format NAME
description STRING
checkintag STRING
Specify Version
The combination of all the information (must be 255 characters or less)
provided for a version is called the version data of the connection.
The different ways to specify the version of a vcfile are as follows:
selector [string]
versionid [string]
versiontag [string]
branchid [string][qualifier string]
branchtag [string][qualifier string]
Selector, versionid, versiontag, branchid and branchtag are all specifier
types. The string you provide for each of the specifier types is the
specifier. The specifier types branchid and branchtag have optional qualifiers.
Each specifier type and the optional qualifiers are described below.
is the string that identifies a version in
the format used by the DesignSync applications. For example, the 1.4
(as a version tag), and Rel2:Latest
possible selectors.
is a string identifying a particular version
of the file in DesignSync. For example, 1.3
are valid version ids of a file in DesignSync.
is a string identifying a tag applied
to a particular version of a file. For example, gold
might be a valid example of a version tag for a file.
is the string identifying the branch of
the vcfile using a DesignSync branch id. For example the strings 1
and 1.2.1
are potential branch ids of a file.
The main branch Trunk
is designated with branchid
and files on this branch have version numbers 1.1
, 1.3
, and so on.
is a string identifying a tag applied to
the branch of the file in DesignSync. For example, branchtag
is a valid example of a branch tag for a file.
A branchtag should always end with a colon to differentiate a branchtag
from a versiontag. If you do not provide the colon, you get an error.
and branchtag
have optional
qualifiers to identify the version of the branch picked out by the connection.
The qualifier can have the following possible values: Latest (used as
a qualifier only, cannot be used by itself) or a valid DesignSync time
format. If no qualifier is provided, the default value of Latest
is appended as the qualifier (for example Trunk:Latest
If you provide a selector, you do not need to provide the qualifier.
Config Clause
This clause is the name of a folder configuration being associated with
the file connection. This value can be used with the select vcfolder
allowing you to navigate to the folder containing the file.
Store Clause
This clause is the name of the DesignSync store (representing a DesignSync
server). If the name of a store is not provided, it is obtained from
the business object policy.
Lock Clause
A lock can be used only for files that physically exist in a DesignSync
store. It cannot be used for a non-existent file.
When you lock a file in a DesignSync server, the business object associated
with the file is not locked. 3DSpace keeps no record
of DesignSync files locked by users. That information is kept in DesignSync
and can be retrieved when needed.
Description Clause
The description is a string holding information about the connection
you are creating.
Complete or Incomplete Clause
This clause is a "completeness" flag with the possible values of complete
and incomplete. The value of complete, the default value, indicates that
the path clause contains the last-level of the filename. If the flag
is set to incomplete during checkin, the last-level of the filename is
appended to the path name and the flag is reset to complete.
Checkintag Clause
This clause is a string holding the autotag (the version tag) value.
All the strings issued with this command except path and description
should contain 255 characters or less.