Monitoring the Server

You can monitor license server performance using the Monitoring tab. Monitoring data is reset every time the license server is restarted, so prior data is not displayed. Monitoring is particularly useful in comparison tasks: different loads between servers, different loads depending on time, why is there a peak or null activity a particular moment, etc.

Note: If monitored by 3DEXPERIENCE Monitoring Agent, the DS License Server monitoring probe requires the license server to be installed with the default admin port: 4084.

  1. Select the Monitoring tab.
  2. Select a standalone server to monitor.

    The tab looks like this by default when you are monitoring a standalone license server:

    Activity over the last 24 hours is displayed in green bar graphs. The monitoring interval is 1 minute.

    Time values displayed are formatted according to the local time (time zone) of the computer on which the License Administration Tool is running.

  3. Use the zoom slidebar to zoom on a particular period over the last 24 hours.

    You can zoom down to display a period in intervals of 5 minutes:

    The upper part of the display monitors the average duration of processing, by the license server, of client messages that the license server receives.

    The lower part of the display monitors the average number of client messages per minute processed by the license server.

    The different graphs are displayed on a logarithmic scale to be able to show both very high and very low traffic. With a non-overloaded server, the average message processing duration should be a few milliseconds.

  4. Select the Show longest durations check box to display the longest message processing durations.

    The red bar graph represents the longest duration of a client message for each minute of the displayed activity period:

  5. Point anywhere over the window to move a vertical line over the specific minute of interest and display additional information.

    For example:

    This displays, for the specified minute, the average processing duration, the longest processing duration, and the number of client messages received.

  6. In standalone server mode, choose Client traffic or Admin traffic.

    Client traffic

    Monitors messages sent by the license clients to the license server. The license clients are the processes that request licenses to the license server.

    Admin traffic
    Monitors messages sent by the License Administration Tools to the license server.

  7. If you select a failover server, similar tools become available:

    The following modes are available in the list:

    Client traffic/Admin traffic

    These perform the same monitoring functions as for a standalone server.

    Failover traffic

    Because the selected server is configured as a member of a failover cluster:

    • the upper part of the display monitors the average duration of processing, by the failover member, of messages sent to the two other members
    • the lower part of the display monitors the number of messages per minute sent to the two other members

    as illustrated below:

  8. In case of suspected server performance problems or if the server stops responding, and if requested, you can dump server performance information using the dump buttons:

    Dump heap
    The server memory is dumped in a file named HeapDumpxxxxxxxx.hprof in the same folder as the ordinary server logs.
    Dump threads

    The state of all threads of the license server is written to a file named ThreadDumpxxxxxx.txt. This information could be requested from you in exceptional cases where the server no longer replies to clients (in the case of deadlocks) and no explanation can be found in server machine system reports.

    It is not possible to run such actions when connected in restricted mode from the GUI of the license administration tool, and the dump buttons in the Monitoring tab are grayed out:

    This ensures that no potentially very large files can be created by someone having only restricted access to the license server.

    This is not the case when connecting in restricted mode from the command line using the monitor -dumpHeap command that does not create files on the license server machine. There is, however, one exception where this remains possible, when you are connected to localhost only, in which case files are created on the license server machine.