Tracking License Statistics

Different types of license statistics are available using the Statistics tab.

  1. In the Server Configuration dialog box, accessible when viewing your license server properties, check the Enable license usage statistics option.
  2. Select the Statistics tab.

  3. Check the check box for the name of the license server:

    This displays the statistics tools for the selected server:

    with the following options:

  4. Use the From: pull-down and navigate to specify the month when license usage statistics logging is started.

    By default, the starting month is the current month of the preceding year.

    You can extend (but not shrink) this one-year period by specifying the starting month of the statistics to be logged.

    Use the << and >> symbols to select the year. Use the < and > symbols to select the month.

  5. Use the Sort by: pull-down list to select how the license statistics are presented in the chart:

    License statistics are presented according to the feature name (this is the default and is illustrated above).
    Number of In Use Licenses
    The features for which the highest number of licenses is currently being used are presented at the top of the list.
    Total Number of Licenses
    The features for which the highest number of licenses are available are presented at the top of the list.
    Percentage of In Use Licenses
    The features for which the highest percentage of licenses are currently being used are presented at the top of the list.

  6. Use the Editor: pull-down list to specify the editor of licenses for which you want to view statistics:

    Dassault Systemes
    Only Dassault Systemes 3DEXPERIENCE license statistics are displayed.
    Dassault Systemes V5
    Only Dassault Systemes V5 license statistics are displayed.
    Dassault Systemes V4
    Only Dassault Systemes V4 license statistics are displayed.

  7. Use the Model: pull-down list to specify the models of licenses for which you want to view statistics:

    No filter is applied: all license models are displayed.
    Named user
    Only named user license statistics are displayed.
    Only concurrent user license statistics are displayed.
    Only token license statistics are displayed.
    Only credit license statistics are displayed.

  8. Use the Country pull-down list to specify the country.

    A company can have several sites in one or several countries. Every site receives a different .LICZ file. A company can enroll, on a given license server, several .LICZ files for several countries. If you have license keys for several sites, this makes it easier to measure the license usage for each site.

  9. Use the LicenseID pull-down list to specify the license ID.

    A .LICZ file is a set of several license keys sharing in particular the same unique LicenseID. A company can enroll, on a given license server, several .LICZ files for several license IDs.

    Keep in mind also that license authorization rules allow you to segregate license key usage based on the LicenseID.

    By default, countries and license IDs are not filtered: Any is displayed. If there is only one country or only one license ID in the license keys enrolled on the license server, the corresponding values are displayed instead of Any.

    Filtering fields operates from left to right, in this order: Editor > Model > Country > LicenseID. Filtering on the left filters by reducing lists on the right, but not from right to left.

    Note: Pre-R2017x statistics data does not contain information related to Country and LicenseID. As a consequence, the filtering on Country and LicenseID is effective only once an R2017x license server or higher has been installed. Unknown for country and 00000 for license ID are displayed.

    When connected to an R2016x server or lower, neither the Country filter nor the LicenseID filter is displayed.

  10. Check the Display all checkbox if required.

    This checkbox will help you avoid losing statistical information about expired licenses which are not renewed.

    By default, only features with licenses which are still valid are displayed in this tab.

    However, checking this check button displays features whose licenses have expired or have been deleted. Activating this option is CPU-intensive since it consumes a lot of resources on the server side, and consequently has to be used with caution.

    You can use this possibility with the From : pull-down, keeping in mind that the further back logging begins, the more resources are consumed on the server.

    The minimum duration is 12 months.

  11. Analyze the statistics.

    Whichever way you filter the results, named user licenses are represented by a solid light grey chartbar, and concurrent user licenses by a light grey chartbar with stripes. A three-letter code for the license is displayed, alongside figures specifying the number of licenses used/total originally available, for example:IFW : 1/11

    When licenses are currently being used, a section of the chartbar proportional to the percentage of total licenses being used for a given feature is displayed in green.

    An increasing percentage of license usage will change the color of the chartbar. Here is a list of the colors used and the percentages:

    • Green: less than or equal to 75%
    • Orange: between 75% and 90%
    • Red: greater than or equal to 90%.

  12. Point to the chartbar to display a magnifying glass which in turn displays information about the licenses.

    Three numbers are displayed for each feature:

    • the number of currently used licenses (1 in the example below)
    • the total number of currently valid licenses (11 in the example below)
    • the percentage of licenses currently used (9% in the example below).

  13. Click the chartbar.

    Another dialog box opens displaying month-by-month statistics. The dialog box displays license usage statistics over the past 12 months or more, depending on the From: value you set.

    Click the chartbar for the desired month for daily information about license usage for a specific license:

    Click the chartbar again for hourly information:

    A tooltip containing detailed data is displayed when mousing over the vertical chartbar, for example:

    July 2016 : 21 licenses used, 46 total

    The green section represents the maximum usage rate for the given period, and not the maximum used. For example, the following two statistics imply different maximum usage rates:

    July 2016 : 21 licenses used, 46 total

    July 2016 : 23 licenses used, 52 total

    The maximum usage rate is the ratio of licenses used over the total number of licenses: the highest value is always used (the first line in the above example).

    The results may be unpredictable for the periods during which the server was stopped.

    The main section of the Statistics tab reports the licenses currently in use, at the present moment. So the numbers displayed in this panel can go up and down, depending on instantaneous usage. When you click on a specific license (using the chartbar), you enter the historical mode, with vertical chartbars for monthly, daily or hourly usages. This provides access to the maximum usage for the given period.

    Note: When statistics data collection is enabled, the files containing statistics data, with the extension .stat, are generated in the log files folder. There can be numerous files, occupying a lot of disk space, leading to increased time needed for displaying statistics in the administration tool. These .stat files are compacted to .mstat files. New monthly files are generated for the months before the current month. The license server continues to generate .stat files for the current month. The old .stat files are moved to the StatBackup folder which you can remove.