Defining a Local Mesh

You can define a finer mesh density for one or more faces in your model.

See Also
Mesh Controls
Defining the Global Mesh
  1. From the Mesh section of the action bar, click Local Mesh Specification .
  2. Choose the local faces for which you want to specify a local mesh density.
  3. Specify the local mesh density in either of the following ways:
    • Drag the slider to a point between Coarse and Fine.
    • Enter the element size for the global mesh directly in the Element size field.

    Tip: If you right-click in the Element size field and select Measure distance, you can specify the element size for your mesh by tracing a line in the 3D area.

    The % of global mesh size field describes how small the elements in the local mesh will be, with respect to the elements in the global mesh.

  4. In the Min. number of elements in a circle field, specify the minimum number of mesh elements that you want around holes and other circles in the local mesh specification. A higher number yields a greater mesh density.
  5. Click OK.

The app saves your local mesh specification. You can make further edits to any local mesh specification from the Modeling area of the Feature Manager.